September 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Gathering at Exarchia Sq. & neighborhood march – NOW – Athens


Saturday 16th of Septebre was a day of action in memory of the murder of antifascist activist Pavlos Fyssas by the squads of Golden Dawn, which took place on 18/9/2013 under the full cover of the cops. The state responded with brutal repression against the fighting spirit of the antifascists at the demonstration outside the central nazi party offices and outside GADA (Police HQ), as well as during the clashes that followed in Exarchia. During the police raids the cops arrested six people and perpetrated acts of torture. One of the arrested, Kostas B., ended up in intensive care in KAT hospital and is now in a coma, guarded inside the ward by his would-be assassins. The hospital director shamelessly declared that he is following police orders.
The violence perpetrated by the organs of repression is the implementation of an established strategy that aims to spread generalized fear. State reaction becomes even more brutal against all those who resist. Despite this, the struggle goes on.
The murder toll by the hands of cops and fascists is already too long. Our rage festers. Reality disproves the illusion of a democratized repression.
Lets not wait for another one to die so that we rise up.
Lets organize so that we may give our own
Gathering at Exarchia Sq. & neighborhood march
every Monday at 7 pm (Polytechnio, Stournari St.)

September 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece – Wednesday, September 20th, gathering demo held in solidarity with heavily injured K. B. at KAT hospital in Athens

Kostas M. was arrested in Exarchia some hours after the end of the anti-fascist demonstrations of September 16, on the occasion of the four years since the murder of Pavlos Fyssas.

During his arrest and transfer to GADA [Athens central police station], KM is beaten up and tortured by the MAT riot cops. Under unspecified conditions, the comrade, trying to escape the patrol that had just transferred him to GADA, is so heavily injured as to be hospitalized in the KAT. He remains trapped in a technical coma.. guarded by cops even in the intensive care unit.

The intervention lasted about 2 hours with a pre-concentration at the station of the train station of  KAT and continued in the courtyard of the hospital with the presence of some 200 in solidarity.


September 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Issue 8 of eco anarchist publication FENRIR is out. eng/it

Issue 8 of FENRIR, eco anarchist publication in support of prisoners, direct action, with updates and analysis on the anarchist struggle and the struggle for animal, human and earth liberation all over the world, is now available.
84 pages, A4
In this issue:
– Editorial
– If not now, when?
– For a Dangerous June
– A string of attacks on energy infrastructures and discussion among anarchists
– On anonymity, claims and reproducibility of actions
– An ongoing wreck?
– Science at the service of repression
– The individual in technological society. The slavery of automatization
– In the digital era
– What’s energy for?
– Celebration songs from distant lands
– Blood in microchips
– War for survival in Africa
– Anti-technology cyborg?
– News from the necro-world
– Insurrection against fate
– Updates on prisoners and state repression
– Letters from prison
– Reading suggestions
The price is 3 euros per copy and 2 euros for orders of 5 or more copies. Regular postal fee is 1.30 euros.
To order copies write to:
Help us distribute “Fenrir”; if you’ve got a stall or want some copies, get in touch!
We’ll be in Cremona on September 16-17 for “Between poetry and noise: two days of anarchist publications and wild dance” at CSA Kavarna.
Translated by act for freedom now!
È disponibile il numero 8 di FENRIR, pubblicazione anarchica ecologista
di supporto ai/le prigionierx, azione diretta, aggiornamenti e analisi
sulle lotte anarchiche e di liberazione animale, umana e della terra in
tutto il mondo. 84 pagine A4
In questo numero:
– Editoriale
– Se non ora, quando?
– Per un Giugno Pericoloso
– Scia di attacchi alle infrastrutture energetiche e dialogo tra
– Su anonimato, rivendicazione e riproducibilità delle azioni
– Un naufragio in corso?
– La scienza al servizio della repressione
– L’individuo nella società tecnologica. La schiavitù dell’automazione
– Nell’era digitale
– A cosa serve l’energia?
– Canti di festa da terre lontane
– Il sangue nel microchip
– Guerra per la sopravvivenza in Africa
– Cyborg anti-tecnologia?
– Notizie dal necromondo
– Insurrezione contro il destino
– Aggiornamenti sui/le prigionierx e sulla repressione di Stato
– Lettere dal carcere
– Letture consigliate
Il costo è di 3 euro a copia, oppure di 2 euro per ordini di 5 o più
copie. Il costo della spedizione con “piego di libri” ordinario è di
1,30 euro.
Per ricevere una o più copie scrivici:
Aiutaci a distribuire “Fenrir”, se hai una distro o vuoi un po’ di
copie, contattaci!
Saremo presenti il 16-17 settembre a Cremona al “Tra poesia e rumore:
due giorni di editoria anarchica e balli scatenati” al CSA Kavarna.

September 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

[Avalanche] Contributions n°12 – October 2017 [Postponed Deadline 15th of October]

Dear comrades,

We make this call out for contributions for the next issue of the
anarchist correspondence paper Avalanche.

Texts concerning anarchist interventions, ongoing struggles, past
experiences, critical evaluations, broader reflections on the anarchist
struggle, can be send until the 15th of October 2017 to the following

Thanks for telling us as fast as possible if you think on sending a

Queridos companeros,

Hacemos esto llamamiento a contribuciones por el proximo numero de la
revista de correspondencia anarquista Avalancha.

Se puede mandar textos sobre intervenciones anarquistas, conflictos en
curso, experiencias del pasado, balances criticas, reflexiones mas
amplias sobre la lucha anarquista, antes del 15 de octubre 2017 en este

Gracias de decirnos lo mas antes possible si pensais en mandar una

Chers compagnons,

On lance cet appel aux contributions pour le prochain numéro du journal
de correspondance anarchiste Avalanche.

Les textes concernant d’interventions anarchistes, des conflits en
cours, des expériences du passé, des évaluations critiques ou des
réflexions plus amples sur la lutte anarchiste peuvent être envoyé avant
le 15 octobre 2017 à l’adresse suivante:

Merci de nous prévenir si vous pensiez envoyer une contribution.

To unsubscribe: <>
List help: <>

September 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Urgent Call for National and International Solidarity in Support of the 107+ Day Mapuche Political Prisoner Hunger Strike

Thursday, September 21st, 2017
Since July 7th, 2017, four Mapuche Political Prisoners have maintained a hunger strike that has now lasted upwards of over 107 days. They have been held in pre-trial custody for over a year, under what has been considered an abusive and irregular process under the Anti-Terrorist Law in using anonymous witnesses. Despite the announcements made by the Prosecutor, Luis Torres, in finalizing the investigation seven months ago, bypassing the recent Chilean Independence celebrations, the trial has yet to commence. Family members and support networks have solicited the Chilean government to deal with the prisoners’ situation, recurring to regional authorities – and even to the Ministers of the Interior and Justice, but these have remained evasive and broad in their response. Family and prisoner support networks had given a 72-hour ultimatum, which ended on Wednesday September 20th, 2017, with no response from government officials.
Various protests have taken place nationally and internationally that demand justice for Lonko [Chief] Alfredo Tralcal Coche, and brothers Ariel Alexis Trangol Galindo, Benito Rubén Trangol Galindo, and Pablo Iván Trangol Galindo, imprisoned in the Penitentiary Centre of Temuco. They wait for the word of  Mario Fernandez, Minister of the Interior, to resolve this complex and critical moment, where new lives are at risk,  already surpassing the ultimatum date put forward by family and support networks of the Mapuche Political Prisoners.

Continue Reading →

September 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Upcoming trial of imprisoned anarchist Riccardo (G20 in Hamburg), eng/it

Act for free received and translated:


The trial that will see Riccardo accused will be held on 5 October at 9.00 at the court of Altona – Hamburg (Max Bauer Allee 91.)
It will be open but we donot yet know whether the judgment will be on the same day or will slip to another date. It depends on the hearing (in many cases they have been judged in a single day also because the defendants have confessed).
He will be judged by the second degree court that has sentences from two years upwards (in Germany the courts are divided into 3 levels based on the requested sentence, it is not a special court).
The formal charges are: breach of the peace, attack by assault and resistance.
Regarding mail censorship, there have not been any systematic blocks but some letters are blocked (so far they are 3, spread over time: a postcard, a letter, an envelope containing newspapers from Hamburg). Then envelopes containing counter-informative material and brochures were blocked.
address of the prison where is being held) is:

Il processo che vedrà imputato Riccardo si terrà il 5 di ottobre alle h.9.00 presso il tribunale di Altona – Amburgo (Max Bauer Allee 91.)
Sarà a porte aperte ma non ci è ancora dato di sapere se avverrà la sentenza nello stesso giorno o se slitterà ad un’altra data. Dipende dall’iter processuale (in molti casi hanno sentenziato in un solo giorno anche perché gli imputati hanno confessato).
Sará giudicato tramite il secondo grado di una corte che prevede pene dai due anni in su (in Germania le corti sono divise in 3 livelli in base alla pena richiesta, non è una corte speciale).
I capi di accusa formalizzati sono: interruzione della pace pubblica, attacco tramite assalto (che equivale a lesioni – concorso in Italia) e resistenza.
Per quanto riguarda la censura alla posta non ci sono stati blocchi sistematici ma qualche lettera viene bloccata (fin ora sono 3, diluite nel tempo: una cartolina, una lettera, una busta contenente giornali da Amburgo). Poi sono state bloccate che buste contenenti materiale controinformativo e opuscoli.

September 23, 2017
by actforfreedom

Rome, Italy – Biblioteca Anarchica l’Idea: ¿Dónde está Santiago Maldonado?

¿Dónde está Santiago Maldonado?
Santiago Maldonado is an anarchist comrade who supports the Mapuche people’s struggle and their will to live in the land they belong to in Patagonia. On 1st August 2017 as he was demonstrating with an indigenous community in the lands owned by the Benetton group the Gendarmerie intervened violently to disperse the crowd. Witnesses said they saw Santiago for the last time as he was held by the military: since then there has been no news of him. Santiago seems to have been swallowed up by the 900 thousand hectares of land that the Benetton lords have taken from the Mapuche. Over a month has passed since his disappearance: we don’t resign ourselves to silence, we don’t accept that Santiago becomes yet another name on the Argentinian State’s long list of ‘disappeared’ or on that of any other countries.
At Spigolo of Biblioteca Anarchica l’Idea
Between Braccio da Montone and Via Fanfulla from Lodial Pigneto
The library is open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 5pm on Via Braccio da Montone 71a

Translated by act for freedom now!
Posted on 15/09/2017 by Velen(A)

September 22, 2017
by actforfreedom


On september 16th, the day of anti-fascist protests in Keratsini and
Athens, for the 4 years since the murder of Pavlos Fyssas by neonazis of
the Golden Dawn, 16 year old K.B. is arrested in Exarchia. During his
arrest and transportation to GADA (central police hq of Athens), K.B. is
beaten and tortured by riot cops resulting in his severe injury.
Although this incident is publicized on social networks and
counter-information websites, on the same day false information is
leaked concerning the health of K.B. as well as the conditions of his
care in the intensive care unit of KAT hospital.
In an attempt to cover-up a very serious incident during an especially
explosive juncture, another attempt is coordinated to downplay this
Stray information on the same day say that the kid’s situation has
stabilized, that he has escaped danger, as well as that the detention
protocol in the hospital was upheld.
The reality however is far from that, and goes as such:
K.B. right now is being hospitalized in an induced coma, in tubed???? in
intensive care of KAT hospital. His relatives have had no hopeful news
(till now) about his health and the information they have been receiving
is extremely incomplete. It simultaneously became known after a
syndicalist doctor of that hospital denounced it, that the police had a
cop INSIDE the intensive care unit which is obviously forbidden. Doctors
cannot bring him out of the coma he is in right now because of his
situation and do not know when he will come out of it. His injuries are
severe, he had an epileptic episode as well as loss of consciousness.
Also, today he had an operation and had metal rods placed in both of his
Not trusting the state apparatus who only care about their
self-preservation in anyway, we call on anyone who knows anything
concerning the arrest and transfer of 16 year-old, to email: in order for us to investigate what has
happened exactly.
It is a matter of survival of the authoritarians to maintain the
illusion of social normality in any way.
On our side, we ought to not give even a bit of space to those who
attempt to silence and punish whoever resists.
Our solidarity is a given but also factual and we call for a gathering
at KAT hospital on Wednesday September 20th.
Solidarity assembly to K.B.
*next assembly is on September 22nd at 7pm at the Polytechnic in Athens.

September 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

[September 27, Rho-Milan] Not just any meeting – Italy

Not just any meeting
27-28 September 2017
SingularityU Italy Summit – RHO
Singularity is a metaphor taken from physics by Ray Kurzweil, founder of Singularity University, to describe the technological process that will come to merge the human with technology. Therefore, the University of Singularity aims to prepare leaders to apply exponential technologies to respond adequately to the anthropological, social, ecological changes that the technologized world requires.
This is an objective that it is carrying out well of course, given that world leading transhumanist executives and researchers come out of it, and that some of them then join the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), one of the most important research universities in the world; the DARPA, a government agency of the US Department of Defence for the development of new military technology; Google; Microsoft, to name but a few…
Surely the fact that it is in Silicon Valley, on a piece of land of the NASA, and being partly financed by Google, is a further confirmation of how much the idea of the world it is proposing is shared with those who create and cause the conditions of the ecological and social disaster we find ourselves in. To this disaster then one would like to find a “solution”, putting something into it.

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September 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

Brussels: Arson ravages future police station

In the night 02/09/2017 from Saturday to Sunday, persons unknown set fire to a building under construction on Avenue de Versailles in Neder-over-Hembeek, currently owned by the Foyer de Logement Sociale Lorebru. The building was due to house a new police station by December at the latest, but the damage caused by the fire is very great.
Investigators were unable to identify any suspects. The Brussels Public Prosecutor’s Office dispatched police forensics and a fire expert to the spot. The building is owned by Lorebru, but according to the Brussels Council for Green Spaces and Environment Khalid Zian (PS), it has meanwhile been ceded to the police of Brussels Capital-Ixelles to set up a new police station. The building was to replace four existing police stations.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

September 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

[Paris] Singing in the rain.

Project to build 33 new prisons. Inauguration of the Judicial City (Batignolles district) imminent. The state strengthens its repressive apparatus under the guise of humanization of confinement, of cops in their multiple forms and the legal crusher.
However, the gears of the judging and locking up machinery are not out of reach. A little research and the desire to act can get rid of fear and helplessness.
That is why, on the night of September 13-14, we broke the windows of the premises of the association Communication Insertion Formation Apprenticeship, located at 18 rue Carrières d’Amérique, and tagged “Investigators social collaborators of the cops”. CIFA has long had a partnership with the Interregional Directorate of Penitentiary Services in Paris and merged a few years ago with the Association of Applied Criminal Policy and Social Reinsertion (APCARS), which conducts social inquiries for judges.

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September 20, 2017
by actforfreedom

France,Boëge (Haute-Savoie): Words and deeds. Tags and attempt to burn electric transformer.

Boëge (Haute-Savoie): Words and deeds. Tags and attempt to burn electric transformer.
Boege. Nocturnal incivilities near college
Dauphiné Libéré, 11/09/2017
In the night from Saturday to Sunday, the walls of the college Jean-Marie-Molliet were tagged. And not only, because the local Crédit Agricole was also “contaminated” by graffiti. Like the electric transformer blackened by smoke after, it seems, some tyres burned out.
The gendarmes have opened an investigation.
Translated by Act for freedom now!


September 20, 2017
by actforfreedom

France,Besançon (Doubs): cutting the veins of commerce and alienation

Besançon – Acts of vandalism: Grande street deprived of Internet
Est Républicain, 16/09/2017
It’s a nasty blow: Saturday September 16 in the morning some of the residents and shopkeepers discovered that they had no internet connection. No access to the web, therefore, but also electronic payment terminals not working (and therefore the impossibility of accepting credit cards).
Bad business, on a Saturday.
The cause is known: during the night one or more vandals cut the Orange telephone cables that line the façades of the artery. Result: many homes and businesses without connection. At 14h, the technicians called to the area were on the job, without being able to estimate how much time it would take to repair.


Translated by Act for freedom now!

September 20, 2017
by actforfreedom


Act for free  Received on 16.9.17


Hello everybody, friends and comrades. Everybody knows the politics in Turkey some more than others. I want to try to tell you, to help you understand about the situation in Turkey and I would like to ask for your attention and international solidarity in this matter. Turkey became a nation in 1923. Since this historical moment Turkey was caught in a history of facist military coups. In general they have been 8 facist coups and related to that ten thousands of revolutionary communists and anarchists were killed. In the last military coup ın 1980 almost one million people were tourted and detaıned ın prısons.Now, after 22 years Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who describes himself as a muslim, won the elections through manipulation and became the prime minister of Turkey.

He has influenced the mind of  most people in Turkey through elaborate promises and community schemes to ınfluence the mınds of the people. In the following elections he was elected again through further manipulation (different practices). He has begun to fight against the democratic powers in the society and put every critical voice in prison.

Through using military and police forces he killed thousands of kurdish people in the geographic area Kürdistan around Cizre and Amed (tür.: Diyarbakır – southeast). The outcome was destroyed cities and countless kurdish people and children kılled.

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September 20, 2017
by actforfreedom

(A-Radio) B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world – Episode 4 (09/2017)

Dear all,

Episode number 4 (09/2017) of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the
world”, a monthly news program from the international network of
anarchist and anti authoritarian radios, consisting of short news
segments from different parts of the world, is now online.

Length: 47 min

You’ll find the audio here:

* 98fm: action and repression in labor, student struggles, anti-fascist
anniversaries around Greece
* 105fm: immigration struggles, resisting fascist attacks, gender
violence and other topics from Lesvos
* Radio Kurruf: resistance to and dangers of liquified natural gas
* Rosas Negras: violence against civil society and journalists in
particular in El Salvador
* A-Radio Berlin: the government ban of the leftist info platform
linksunten indymedia in Germany
* Dissident Island: resistance from the Campaign Against Arms Trade
(CAAT) to the London DSEI arms fair
* The Final Straw: autonomous Hurricane relief

Other audios from A-Radio Berlin in English (or Spanish) here:”.

Or visit the new anarchist 24/7 online stream from the Channel Zero


A-Radio Berlin

September 20, 2017
by actforfreedom


Act for free  Received on 16.9.17

1.We regard meal time as one of the most sacred moments of our life and a time of bonding in a friendly and more loose environment.Eating all together we break the privacy and the detention that the state already imposed to us years now.We understand and we like these moments to be not only for eating and laughing together,but also about exchanging ideas and visions,strengthening our relationships and encouraging political fermentation….We would like to regain the importance of common time cause thats how we understand the concept of community…


2.Cause we found squats as the most liberated,self-organized,self-managed and collective battlegrounds where spreading can take place.Squats should promote collectiveness and give ground for common activities.Talking about many things and analyzing for example the situation of food and the direct relationship of it with capitalism.Point the political effects of it and try to solve these kinds of problems by proposing practical alternatives.We consider and we vision squats to be not only sleeping and relaxing escape lands or alternative lifestyle meeting points,but be self- education and theory/practice training centers.

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September 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece – Riot erupts in Athens during Antifa protest for the murder of Pavlos Fyssas by Golden Dawn neonazis

On September 16, 2017 thousands of antifascists in Athens, Greece marched towards the headquarters of the “Golden Dawn” fascist party, four years after the murder of antifascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas by approximately 40 neonazi members of Golden Dawn, on September 18, 2013 in the Keratsini area of Athens.
When the antifascist protest in memory of Pavlos Fyssas reached the Golden Dawn HQ people were faced by dozens of riot cops protecting the neonazi offices, and a “wall” of riot cops buses blocking any access nearby. The protection of the murderer’s offices -that remain free during their judicial trial that has been going on for almost three years now, contrary to the majority of political prisoners that remain in prison for years until finally their trial takes place- ignited the people’s sentiment and escalated the protest into a riot. More antifascist protests have been scheduled all over Greece on September 18, 2017, the day when Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by the neonazis exactly 4 years ago to that day.

September 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

Basle, Switzerland – Two consecutive nights of fire against the world of authority (03/09/2017)


[In two consecutive nights flames devoured vehicles of this world of control and authority in Basle. In the night between Saturday and Sunday 3rd September, a plain clothes cops’ car was set on fire in via General Guisan. The attack was claimed in Then in the night between Sunday and Monday 4th September a company car, probably owned by Swisscom went up in flames in via Johanniter. This second fire hasn’t been claimed yet].
Basle police car in flames
The fire is also linked to the struggle against the extension of the prison of Bässlergut. In our opinion, the role of the police precedes that of the big building companies: it’s the police that hunt people in the streets in racist raids and fill up the prisons.
No more cops! No more police control!
For a hot autumn!
Source: sansattendre
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

September 15, 2017
by actforfreedom

Updates on trial against on imprisoned anarchist comrade Riccardo Lupano – Hamburg ,Germany

Act for free  Received on 14.9.17

Updates on trial against the anarchist Riccardo
The date of the hearing against Riccardo, charged with criminal offences
relating to riot days against G20 in Hamburg in July, is set. It will be
held on 5 October at the Court of Hamburg.
We call on everyone to take part in solidarity presence, organised for
that day, in the courtroom (Riccardo will be there) and at the Court, as
well as in activities which will be promoted in Genoa during those days.
Updates will follow.
Meeting to discuss solidarity initiatives and updates:
Tuesday 19 september, 20.00 pm.
Il Mainasso — 6, Square Santa Maria in Passione — Genoa – Italy

September 15, 2017
by actforfreedom

Basle/Zurich, Switzerland – Incendiary sabotage against the collaborators of the future maxi-prison of Bässlergut (08/2017)

Zurich: At dawn on Thursday 17th August 2017 machinery was set fire to on the building site of the Implenia company. Shortly before 5am, flames flared up in the “Greencity” building site in Leimbach, Zurich. Two bulldozers belonging to the company collaborating in the refurbishment of Bässlergut prison were completely destroyed by fire, while another piece of machinery was damaged. Cops and the local press stated: “the machinery didn’t catch fire due to a technical fault, the fire was started intentionally”. Material damage already amounts to several hundred Swiss francs. Marco Cortesi, a spokesman for Zurich police also mentioned fires that occurred in the spring and summer in Zurich (of a piece of machinery belonging to Implenia at the beginning of August and a van owned by the building company in June). However, in order to find the perpetrators of the recent fires, investigators say they are working on other leads, pointing to other incendiary sabotages that have hit infrastructures in the region, such as on the site of the future centre of justice and police at the beginning of July 2017, and a repeater used in the emergency radio system by the municipal police in mid-July 3016.
Zurich: In the night between 7th and 8th August a piece of machinery owned by the Implenia company was set on fire in Schlieren.
Basle: Last night [between Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th August] three vehicles owned by ROSENMUND AG were set on fire in Basle. The company is involved in construction work at the prison of Bässlergut, which is why it has already suffered material damage many times. If the company stops this inhuman activity immediately, its vehicles will be allowed to be parked in the city in all safety. If the work on the new prison goes on, nothing will be over! Let’s attack Bässlergut!
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!