Posts Tagged ‘Italy’

“Not just any meeting” – Against the ‘SingularityU’ Summit (Italy)

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

[September 27, Rho-Milan]

via actforfreedom:

Not just any meeting

27-28 September 2017
SingularityU Italy Summit – RHO

Singularity is a metaphor taken from physics by Ray Kurzweil, founder of Singularity University, to describe the technological process that will come to merge the human with technology. Therefore, the University of Singularity aims to prepare leaders to apply exponential technologies to respond adequately to the anthropological, social, ecological changes that the technologized world requires.
This is an objective that it is carrying out well of course, given that world leading transhumanist executives and researchers come out of it, and that some of them then join the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), one of the most important research universities in the world; the DARPA, a government agency of the US Department of Defence for the development of new military technology; Google; Microsoft, to name but a few…

Surely the fact that it is in Silicon Valley, on a piece of land of the NASA, and being partly financed by Google, is a further confirmation of how much the idea of the world it is proposing is shared with those who create and cause the conditions of the ecological and social disaster we find ourselves in. To this disaster then one would like to find a “solution”, putting something into it.

But there’s nothing to worry about! The thing seems to have been found and is an artificial and robotized thing. In fact through the use of technology is thought to be able to deal with what in this conference they call “the great challenges of humanity”: we are assured of the possibility of a radiant future. A future in response to the fear of death and the desire for immortality, promises of cures for diseases, the absorption of pollutants from the environment, the defeat of poverty and famine.

This fabulous prospect must, however, be bartered and the complete acceptance of this technologized world is being asked in exchange. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Libertà per Andreas Krebs (Germania, Italia)

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

(Trovato in tedesco: rigaer94.squat.net, Berlin)

Era tre anni fa che Andreas arriva a Rigaer 94. Era segnato della situazione carceria lunga durata e non trova solo un rifugio nella nostra casa ma anche i nuovi amici. Abbiamo vissuti le prime passaggi di Andreas fuori del prigione da vicino.

Non lo vogliamo chiamare libertà. Se hai visto mai come la prigionia annosa concia l‘individuo, causa la paura profonda delle connessione sociale, produce anche una paura della così chiamato „libertà“, non poui negare che „la libertà“ sarà un termine relativo; ancora di più sarà relativo nella conoscenza che la società fa tutto per rimuovere il significato della parola „liberà“.

Era bello di vedere come Andreas riesce recuperare la sua libertà pezzo per pezzo.
Prossimamente ha cambiato casa e ha cominciato con la sua amica di prendere la vità nelle proprie mani. Poco dopo erano attratto dal`Italia Sud, là dove l‘Europa non esiste.

Al momento che tutti i soldi sono stati lì, Andreas ha mantenuto la promessa di allontanarsi della società tedesca, che non era mai la sua casa. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update on trial against on imprisoned anarchist comrade Riccardo Lupano – Hamburg (Germany)

Monday, September 18th, 2017

G20. Updates on trial against Riccardo

The date of the hearing against Riccardo, an anarchist charged with criminal offences relating to riot days against G20 in Hamburg in July, is set. It will be held on 5 October at the Court of Hamburg.

We call on everyone to take part in solidarity presence, organised for that day, in the courtroom (Riccardo will be there) and at the Court, as well as in activities which will be promoted in Genoa during those days.
Updates will follow.

Meeting to discuss solidarity initiatives and updates:
Tuesday 19 September, 20.00 pm.
Il Mainasso — 6, Square Santa Maria in Passione — Genoa, Italy

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist newspaper Vetriolo issue 1 is out, autumn 2017 (Italy)

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

We published issue 1 of anarchist paper Vetriolo at last. At the same time we also printed issue 0 for those who have recently asked for copies, as it had been out of stock for a while. After several months of censorship the contribution anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito wrote last winter for the previous issue has arrived. His letter had been blocked and seized on order of inquisitor judge Sparagna, the “scripta manent” operation’s instigator.

In this new issue there’s space for analysis on questions that were raised in the previous one, in particular the questions of cities, political alliances and internationalism, the history of the exploited’ movement and the continuation of an attempt at the analysis and elaboration of an anarchist theory of the State. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Update on Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

On 23/8, mail censorship expired for anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai, Danilo Cremonese, Valentina Speziale, Anna Beniamino, Alessandro Mercogliano, Marco Bisesti. Turin prosecutors can’t renew it but the prison can for ‘security reasons’.

Some of the letters were unblocked and are circulating more quickly. But we don’t exclude that letters might be blocked again.


Translated by act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

22-29 July – Solidarity week for anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu (Italy)

Monday, July 24th, 2017

Appeal for solidarity against the punitive isolation of anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu

On July 18, a hearing was held at the Cagliari Court of Appeal for a complaint made by Davide against the conditions that he is being subjected to at the prison of Augusta.

Via the details of the complaint we learned that Davide, who is already subjected to the Article 41-bis prison regime, is undergoing a very extreme torture, he was ‘sentenced’ to six months of punitive isolation.

Complete isolation, in an underground cell, no TV or radio, no contact with other prisoners and without ever seeing the sun. In addition to this his correspondence is subject to censorship. The only people he ever sees are the guards and his lawyer.

Unfortunately we have only just learned that he has been living under these conditions for two months now. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Carlo Giuliani Murdered by Cops: Never Forgive! Never Forget! (Italy)

Friday, July 21st, 2017

From Enough is Enough

Sixteen years ago today, (July 20, 2001), 23 year old activist Carlo Giuliani was killed by Mario Placanica, a riot cop, during protests against the G8 summit in Genoa, Italy. One day later, on July 21st, 2001 cops raided the Diaz School in Genoa. Last month the European Court of Human Rights ruled unanimously that activists and journalists were tortured by cops during and after the raid. Today we remember Carlo Giuliani and all others who have fallen in the struggle against fascism, capitalism and oppression. Carlo Vive!

Its only a few weeks ago that special police forces pointed their machine guns at neighbours, journalists and protesters during the NoG20 protests. The SEK and COBRA squads had permission to shoot with live ammo in Hamburg. Hundreds of people were injured because of the orgy of police violence in Hamburg, which started days before the first stone was thrown. With police vans driving into crowds at full speed, the deployment of special police forces with machine guns and the way the police attack against the Welcome to Hell demo was carried out, cops putted peoples lives in danger.

The police violence in Hamburg remembered me of the orgy of violence by Italian cops in Genoa, Italy in 2001. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

For a Dangerous June – Call for a month of mobilization in solidarity with Italian anarchist prisoners

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

A text that sums up the ideas expressed during the meetings ‘With our heads held high’

State repression is the most important part of the system of dominion and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it doesn’t surprise us that those who are struck most are historically those who don’t let themselves be recuperated by the system of power, i.e. anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.

The latter respond to the physical, psychological, moral, social and economic repression unleashed by all the components of democratic power and to the brutal indiscriminate violence of its armed hands and the judiciary. This they do with direct action aimed at those responsible for repression, with the creative and liberating destruction of the places of dominion and the sabotage of its infrastructures, so as to put an end, or at least hamper, the causes of exploitation and oppression by human beings on other human beings, the earth and animals.

In the view of total liberation, to passively watch the reproduction of dominion means to be accomplices, so there are those who continue to hold their heads high and rebel. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update about Operation Scripta Manent + Alfredo Cospito is on hunger strike (Italy)

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

A couple of week ago the investigations concerning the op. Scripta Manent were closed, so now the preliminary hearing is awaited, when the judge will decide whether to put on trial the suspected comrades.

Today [3/5/17] anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito begins a ten-days hunger strike against the censorship imposed to him by prosecutor Sparagna [in charge of op. “Scripta Manent”], which blocks almost the whole incoming and outgoing correspondence.

Alfredo asks all comrades outside to send books, magazines, letters and printed materials in general, in protest and in support of his strike.

ALFREDO COSPITO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara, Italia

via anarhija

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Posted in Prison Struggle

A letter from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino about Operation Scripta Manent and more… (Italy)

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017


The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.

The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary.

The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Comrade Davide Delogu accused of attempted escape from the prison of Buoncamminno (Italy)

Monday, April 10th, 2017

The trial against Davide, due on 9th March in the court of Cagliari, was postponed to 17th May. Davide is accused of attempted escape from the prison of Buoncamminno.

Sempri Ainnantis!

«… dreams are to be made true here in the present time and not in a hypothetical future, given that the future has always been sold by the priests of all religions and ideologies so that they could steal from us with impunity. We want a present time that is worth living and not simply sacrificed to a messianic wait for the future Eden. For this reason we wanted to talk concretely about anarchy to be realized now, not tomorrow. The “everything now” is a bet, a game we play and whose stake is our life, everyone’s life, our death, everyone’s death…»
Pierleone Mario Porcu

We know people… quiet and loquacious, shy and bold, humble and arrogant people…

People who live obedient like sheet, and others who don’t hide themselves in betrayal, they look into your eyes and stay always side by side no matter what. We know people who dream without imagination and live without dreaming, people whose eyes are used to stare below and whose ears are used to take orders such as “wake up”, “work”, “pay”, “buy”, “believe” , “respect”…
We know many people alone in the crowd, patiently waiting for an answer to their prayers till the end of their lives, for an eternal tomorrow, for better days, for a bright future.

But those who wait for a better life tomorrow are already dead today.

We know many individuals but only few of them are our comrades. Indomitable and unrepentant anarchists are shouting “a slow death or else the anarchist struggle here and now!”

And we are shouting with them, this is the only path of struggle we think worth the joy to take.

We’ve chosen to be there, to be on their side. We know our words don’t speak to the many, but we’d like them to cut like blades today, and to burn the bridges with the past in the concreteness required by action. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Towards insurrection’ by Alfredo M. Bonanno (Elephant Editions)

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017

Every time I start to talk I ask myself, ‘And if I didn’t want to say anything for example?’

The title of this debate is ‘Towards insurrection’. I said to myself, what does this ‘towards insurrection’ mean? That is, towards insurrection can mean writing, or talking anyway, or indicating a direction, something moving towards insurrection. I don’t know what it is that moves towards insurrection.

I know that’s what I’ve lived, and what I’ve seen, events that might seem like an insurrection in act. I later realised that it wasn’t an insurrection, it was a simple riot. Now we are talking about something that can push us towards a riot, something that happens just like that, all of a sudden, for a reason that one can’t foresee, in the street, in the squares, with a hundred thousand people coming out into the streets, is that what we’re talking about tonight?

I don’t think so. For me, that’s not an insurrection. A hundred thousand people coming out into the streets, destroying the town, smashing the shops, dancing their war dance on commodities, — because we are against commodities we anarchists – is that insurrection? No.

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Posted in Library

Updates on the appeal trial against anarchist comrades Silvia Guerini, Luca Billy Bernasconi and Costantino Ragusa (Italy)

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Turin, 15th February 2017

The appeal trial against Silvia, Billy and Costa took place this morning.

In the grounds for the first-grade sentence the inadmissibility to carry on the proceedings owing to a fault in the jurisdiction had been pointed out, which can be only appealed through the court of Cassation. The appeal submitted by the prosecutors was therefore rejected and forwarded to the Cassation for a final decision.

The Cassation will have to deliberate on the validity of the appeal; if it is not considered valid everything will end there, otherwise there will be an appeal trial.

Translated by act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Genoa: Sabotage of a mobile phone mast (Italy)

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

2 February 2017

“GENOVA: Mobile phone mast sabotaged in Staglieno area. Against this existent which kills, physically and psychologically, our lives, the only way to stop it is violent action, direct action. SOLIDARITY TO ANARCHIST PRISONERS IN THE WORLD. ANARCHY MEANS ATTACK.”

via cna-italia, anarhija

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Posted in Direct Action

Genoa: Telecommunications repeater sabotaged (Italy)

Monday, February 20th, 2017

Ericsson repeater sabotaged in Genoa in solidarity with Greece’s prisoners Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou and the prisoners of operation Scripta Manent. Against the State. Against technology. Against armchair anarchists.

Source: CNA | In Greek

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Posted in Direct Action