Posts Tagged ‘Anti-Fascist’

Call for International Solidarity with Taras Bogay, anarchist and eco-activist (Ukraine)

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

On the 19th of February, Taras Bogay, an anarchist and eco-activist from Lviv, Ukraine, was assaulted by a group of 20-30 drunk neo-nazis from the rightwing organisations Right Sector and the neo-nazi militia named the Azov battallion. They attacked Taras after he tried to protect a group of foreigners that the nazi group was harassing with racial slurs and threats.

During the fight the attackers threatened to kill Taras. He was knocked unconscious and sustained a heavy concussion and numerous cuts resulting in the near loss of one of his fingers. While defending himself and the foreigners, Taras slightly cut one of the attackers with no serious injury. Taras fought well, but the forces were uneven.

Despite Taras having been found covered in his own blood, the Lviv police department released news about the incident later that day without mentioning Taras’ injuries. The news stated: “the police arrested a 27-years old man that stabbed an 18-year old teenager in a conflict”.

A few days after the incident a false “witness” claimed that Taras suddenly attacked the group of innocent people, then cut himself and ran away. While every word of this evidence is a clear lie, it may be considered as proof of Taras’s fault in the court. The case clearly demonstrates that Ukrainian police has a strong affiliation with far-right organizations. Currently, Taras is being treated for his wounds, and is doing rehabilitation from his concussion. Taras is recovering gradually and his condition is gradually improving. Nevertheless, he is still unable to work.

Taras is experiencing severe financial problems. First, he is unable to work due to the injuries and have to pay medical bills. Second, to protect himself from the false charges, Taras requires a lawyer that cost at least €900 (he has concluded a contract with a lawyer for the period of investigation – about half of a year).

Without a good lawyer Taras could face a prison sentence between five and seven years (the charges being disorderly conduct and grievous bodily harm).

We have started the fundraising campaign at firefund.net/ukraine to collect €900 that will enable us to provide Taras with a good lawyer and help him to survive during the period of unemployment. The struggle against far-right politics relies on global solidarity and mutual aid.

Also, you may donate to ABC bitcoin wallet: 39pQm5RxArsFZEBt4MPvMFuHEuyY1oG18k

Stop fascist scum! Solidarity with Taras Bogay!

Thank you for the support!
Long live anarchy!


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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Bristol: Far-right nationalists gathering raided and shutdown by Antifa black bloc ‘dressed like special forces’ with guns (UK)

Thursday, February 9th, 2017

On Saturday 7th January at around 3pm a far-right nationalist meeting was taking place in Almondsbury Sports and Social Centre, attended by white supremacists and neo-nazis. The event called by fascist group ‘Bristol Forum’ was attempting to bring together racists and bigots in a safe space for their views. This meeting was raided by a black bloc of anti-fascists who allegedly fired air guns, smashed windows, threw chairs and used fire extinguishers to attack the fascist scum inside the building. Desperate and terrified nationalist bigots were apparently in fear for their lives, with just 3 of them claimed to be suffering injuries, as the fascists barricaded themselves inside the building like the cowardly scum they are. Fascist-nationalist Adrian Romilly from Portsmouth who attended the meeting with another fascist friend gave an interview with the local right-wing paper Bristol Post, likening the antifa black bloc to a “special forces unit”, giving great publicity to the “impression they’d done this sort of thing before and their silence, dress and general ‘professionalism’ added to the sense of menace”. Describing how the attack started he was quoted as saying “… there was a sound like a rifle shot and the first window glass splintered, shards of glass scattering over the place where the speaker had been sitting moments before”, “This was followed by a series of sharp cracks as a succession of windows were broken by a fire extinguisher and by chairs brought up from a lower floor.”

It seems the successful raid was only made public in early February as a police faithful citizens appeal for information swung into place due to the investigation resulting in so far no arrests and presumably almost zero information as to the identities of the Antifa “special forces unit”, despite CCTV recordings being studied.

In Bristol last year in March fascists attacked an anti-racist mainstream event attended by 100 people and members of the Labour Party, Green Party and the local Mosque. The 10 or so fascists were beaten up and ejected from the area.

The struggle against fascism will always need to be autonomous, extraparliamentary and street-based. Hatred, racism and bigotry has to be confronted physically, and absolutely no quarter given for fascist and neo-nazi groups to spread. Hunt and attack.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Blood & Honour list leak (UK)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Updated PDF version 12/2/17

Blood & Honour is a neo-nazi music promotion network and political group founded in the UK in 1987. Founded by Ian Stuart Donaldson and Nicky Crane it is composed of white power activists and other white nationalists and has links to Combat 18, a neo-nazi terrorist group.

PDF: Blood & Honour list leak

‘The force of Hitler makes us small
But one day we will be free again;
we are about to break the chains.
For our fists, they are hard;
yes — and the knives sit ready;
for the freedom of the youth
Navajos fight’

Edelweiss Pirates

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Minsk: Solidarity to Vadim Boyko, antifascist supporter of FC Partyzan (Belarus)

Sunday, January 22nd, 2017

Vadim Boyko is an antifascist supporter of FC Partyzan from Minsk. He was detained on March 22, 2016 together with other people on suspicion of participating in the attack on the right-wing hooligans that happened about two years ago. His trial is set for February 3, 2017 and we ask for financial support to pay the legal advice. The approximate cost of the legal aid for him is 5000 euros, part of which has already been covered by us.

Here is a full story.

FC Partyzan (former MTZ-RIPO) is an antiracist football club that doesn’t exist any more, while there are still some active groups of hooligans involved in street fights. As reported, on June 29, 2014 a mob of Partyzan supporters attacked a trolley-bus carrying a gang of right-wing hooligans of FC Torpedo. The attackers blocked the vehicle and broke a few windows. In the following days the police detained five Partyzan fans on suspicion of the attack, but they were eventually set free with no charges. The case was frozen.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

7 May : Transnational Day of Solidarity with People in Detention + Protest against Detention Centres

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

The last few years have seen an immense rise in protests inside and outside of detention centres. On Saturday May 7th, simultaneous demonstrations will be held around the UK and beyond, to protest against the existence of immigration detention centres and show solidarity with the 30,000 adults and children who are being detained against their will under the Immigration Act every year in the UK – without judicial oversight, a time limit, or adequate access to legal support, translation, and healthcare. We will come together with people inside detention to demand the closure of all detention centres and an end to border and migration controls!

May 7th is part of a wider transnational campaign to shut down detention centres and end the inherently abusive and violent system of immigration detention that criminalises, detains, and imprisons people simply because they have chosen or been forced to migrate. Actions also take place in solidarity with wider struggles against borders and migration controls and with people who are living in detention without walls, from Calais to Idomeni. So far actions have been planned across the UK and in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Iceland. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Anti-Fascist 0161 Festival – Manchester (UK)

Friday, April 22nd, 2016

The 0161 Festival takes place on 29th April to the 1st May 2016 at the Moston Miners Community Centre in Manchester, UK.

0161 Festival interviews – 29th April – 1st May 2016. Manchester, UK from 0161.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

No “Day of the German Future” on 4th of June 2016 – Let’s unite to block & sabotage! (Germany)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

“Day of the German Future” in Dortmund? Let’s unite to block, sabotage and prevent the neo-Nazis from marching!

On the 4th of June 2016 neo-Nazis are about to march in the streets of Dortmund. Since 2009 the annual “Day of the German Future” rallies have become one of Germany’s most important neo-Nazi events. The local neo-Nazis of Dortmund’s far-right party “Die Rechte” want to bring the annual event to Dortmund for the first time.

What’s all this about?

The “Day of the German future” rallies are set around the far-right narrative of ‘native’ Germans dying out and being replaced by migrants and refugees. This narrative views Germany as an entity that existed for millenias with natural borders and as a fixed and ‘pure’ national and ethnic community. In other words: It’s the core ideology of national socialism with a slightly more timely wording.

What’s the deal with Dortmund and the far-right?

Dortmund has been a stronghold of neo-Nazi groups since the 1980. Over the years, the city has seen various neo-Nazi groups ranging from hooligan gangs to legalistic far-right parties. At the moment, the small neo-Nazi party “Die Rechte” (The Right) is the dominant far-right group in the city and region. Even though the party won a seat in the city council at the last communal elections, they could not be further away from a genuine interest in democratic processes. On the contrary, the party’s origins are in a number of radical and partly militant neo-Nazi groups. They have a history of violence against antifascists, migrants and people of colour. Their activity in the last years is heavily focused on migrant and refugee issues. They protest against refugee centres and camps throughout the city and spread their racist hate.

Amongst the broad variety of racist, antisemitic far-right groups and parties in Germany, “Die Rechte” is about as radical and openly in line with historical national socialism as it gets.

What can we expect on the neo-Nazi’s side?

The neo-Nazis want to march in the northern part of Dortmunds city centre – the “Nordstadt”. Being an old working class neighbourhood, more than 50% of its inhabitants today are either migrants themselves of have a migration background in their families. In earlier years, the neighbourhood has also been the site of a number of big neo-Nazi protests with far bigger counter protests.

We expect the neo-Nazi rally in June to be one of the biggest explicitly neo-Nazi marches this year. The “Day of the German Future” rallies in other cities have seen between 200 and 600 neo-Nazis so far since 2009.

Who are we?

We are a group of people who came together to block and sabotage the so called “Day of the German Future” and stop the neo-Nazis from marching. We are autonomous antifascists and cooperate with other local antifascist groups and alliances. Of course we do not only want to address local players but individuals and groups throughout Germany and Europe to join us in the activities against the “Day of the German Future” in Dortmund.

What do we want?

We want to stop the neo-Nazis from marching! We don’t get into the blame game: The door for a peaceful blockade oftentimes only opens up because of militant tactics destabilising the police operations. We are in solidarity with everyone acting against the Nazi rally in a meaningful and purposeful way. Let’s unite in Dortmund to prevent one of the last remaining big neo-Nazi events in Germany from happening.

Block, sabotage and prevent Nazi rallies!
For solidarity and emancipation without borders!
No future for Germany!

Contact source here

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Antifascist is sentenced to 6 years for fight with neo-nazis (Belarus)

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015

Vlad Lenko is an anti-fascist from Ivatsevichy. On December 27, 2014 he
was arrested for a fight with neo-nazis, which occurred on the 23rd of
December of the same year. He is charged under Art. 339.2 (hooliganism
in a group of people) and 147.2 (causing grievous bodily harm). The
court sentenced Vlad to a six-year period of imprisonment in a maximum
security colony. It is necessary to collect a large sum to appeal the
verdict, as well as to pay the victim a compensation ordered by a court
in the amount of 1000 euro. There is the hope to reduce the period by
half. Please, everyone, do not stay on the sidelines, help our mate in a
difficult moment, only together we can help him. Also Vlad needs moral
support, and later we’ll publish a postal address of the correctional

Fundraising WebMoney:
$ Z418615316084
€ E146518161935
Paypal: belarus_abc[at]riseup[dot]net
European bank account: ask

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: "Akcja Bezpośrednia" – Latest anarchist attacks and reports 2011-2015 (Poland)

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

Issue about latest direct actions in Poland since 2011 to this year’s summer.
The title is translated as: “Direct Action”

Polish language PDF here: Akcja Bezpośrednia

Long live Black Praxis

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Posted in Library

Anti-police and anti-fascist action reports from Warsaw (Poland)

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

Warsaw: Demo against police violence

A spontaneous demonstration against police violence took place in Warsaw, Poland, on 19th of March. Protest was direct reaction to events that took place few days earlier in Legionowo, Warsaw suburb: police organised hunt for marihuana users. During the arrest, one of the detainees was basically suffocated by a cop, who was trying to stop him from swallowing a bag of pot.

Death of the detainee caused a few days of intense protest- demo on 19th March was first held in Warsaw. It was a reaction against the police statement, full of lies and manipulations, which blames whole situation on the murdered detainee. This secondary victimization and police attempt to cover-up the whole case was the direct impulse to organise protest in the capital. Protest started in front of Prosecutors Office on Brudnowska street, where going to police station was decided. Police was present from the beginning, and after allowing demonstrators to pass almost 2 km decided to start confrontation: all of the protesters were surrounded, then police started checking IDs of the majority of the protesters. Some people were detained and brought to various police stations. Police called all checked protesters to testify in the following days, as suspected of committing the felony – “participating in illegal assembly”. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Unruhe nachrichten (Türkei, USA)

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

Faschistischer Angriff auf die Ege Universität: 1 Faschist tot

Eine faschistische Rotte von ca. 200 Personen griff progressive und
revolutionäre Studenten an, auf dem Gelände der Literatur Fakultät,
befindlich auf dem Campus der Ege Üniversitesi. Der Mob griff mit
Stangen, Messer, Äxten und Schusswaffen an, während ein Faschist starb,
wurde drei Studenten schwer verletzt. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Nazis threaten to destroy Rote Flora, Hamburg. Antifascists call for mobilization – 15th November (Germany)

Friday, October 31st, 2014

From squat.net:

After the Nazis’ show of force last Sunday in Cologne, largely tolerated by the police’s repression of antifascists’ counter-demonstration, the Nazis and their football hooligans are planning “a revolution” on November 9 in Berlin, and attacks against Rote Flora autonomous social center in Hamburg during another demonstration on November 15. They plan similar demo in Wuppertal this weekend.

On November 9 in Berlin, Nazis plan to gather in front of the Reichstag to start “a revolution” for white Europe. They choose this date because it’s the commemoration of the Kristallnacht, the pogroms against Jews in Austria and Germany on the night of 9/10 in November 1938. The terror inflicted on the Jewish population by the SA paramilitary assisted by the local population marked the beginning of the state’s policy of exterminating the Jewish population of Europe. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

War against ISIS/Daesh: Armed Manifestation In Support Of Kobane (Turkey)

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

Armed militants appeared on the streets of Diyarbakır, Southeastern Turkey tonight (20/10/2014) in a demonstration of combative solidarity with Kobane and in complete defiance of the fascist Turkish government.

The comrades expressed their anger by setting up burning barricades, throwing many molotovs and firing shots in the air. Messages of support for Kobane and denouncing the fascist Turkish state were broadcast via megaphone so all the people could hear. The comrades escaped into the night avoiding capture by Turkish security forces, all in all, a successful display of militant solidarity from deep within the Turkish state that gave hope to many Turkish people living under AKP tyranny and reminds Kobane & whole world that not all Turkish people support the barbaric actions of the criminal Erdogan regime!

Kobane Solidarity Front UK

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Posted in Direct Action

War against ISIS/Daesh: 8 Questions about the “Weapons for Rojava” Campaign (Kurdistan)

Thursday, October 16th, 2014

From InsurrectionNews:

1. Why did you decide to start a campaign to raise money for YPG?

The fascists of the so called “Islamic State” started their massacres in the middle east some month ago. Several thousand people have already been killed. Neither the central government of Iraq nor the Peshmerga, the troops of the Barzani-Clan, were
willing and able to stop them. The army of the YPD, the peoples defence militia of YPG and YPJ in cooperation with the PKK were the only ones who helped the Yezidis to escape. Right now, the IS wants to eliminate the autonomous Kurdish-ruled regions of Syria, known as Rojava. The specialty of this autonomous region is that its society is build on a system of a self-governance, equal rights for people of different beliefs, religion, nationalities and gender. It is thereby probably the most progressive force of the region. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

'Over the Walls of Nationalisms and Wars' – Statement of participants of 8th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (Bosnia & Herzegovina)

Monday, September 15th, 2014

It is clear that nationalism is a tool used against the exploited classes. In the Balkans, (especially in the region of ex-Yugoslavia) the rise of nationalist ideology in the 1990’s helped enable the brutal capitalist attack against society. It further atomized the population and destroyed established networks of cooperation and solidarity.

The need to confront nationalist ideology from a radical and anti-authoritarian perspective gathered us in Mostar on the 5th and 6th of September 2014, for the 8th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair. We came from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Albania, Romania, Greece and other countries outside the Balkan area.

The true nature of nationalism is nowhere more obvious then in Mostar, a city divided in two, with the signs of wartime brutality still evident in the streets of the city. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy