
Dispatches from the Borderlands: Blurred Lines Between State and Cartel

It is difficult to summarize all of the things which have occurred the last few months. It is now monsoon and the rains have come to the desert to wash away some of the...

All the News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

How much news can we pack into one roundup? The big stories of the last few weeks is that another crappy version of Trumpcare is dead once again as the Trump administration postures that they...

Based Stickman Punched Someone For Calling Him a White Supremacist, Then Rallied with Nazis...

Kyle "Based Scotchguard" Chapman has been having a bad couple of months. His 'Back the Right' campaign is going south faster than Donald Trump's approval ratings and even though he gets that sweet sweet globalist...

Dane Powell, J20 Prisoner: Interview

Dane Powell, a J20 defendant, was sentenced in D.C. Superior Court this morning to serve 4 months of two 36 month sentences, with 2 years of supervised probation to follow. In late April he...

Terrorist Threats: New Jersey, Antifa, the Far-Right, & Robert W. Kerekes

On June 12th, the New Jersey Department of Homeland Security declared anarchists and antifa, along with a hodge-podge of far-Right, Alt-Right, and neo-Nazi groups, to be a 'domestic terrorist' threat. However, in the one page...

Repression, Resiliency, & Movement Support: An Interview

When we started writing this column almost two years ago, we wanted the focus of it to be on repression, prisons, and prisoner support. In our experience, those areas of organizing so often have...

All the News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

Yesterday, the Republicans in the Senate returned with a newly updated health care plan that did what pretty much everyone thought it was going to do. First, it proposes to slash taxes on the...

The Alt-Right Agrees: It’s Members Are Pizzagating Young Boys

Things don't really seem to be going well for the Alt-Right. The entire "united front" that Alt-Right leaders have been pushing for the past two months has more or less collapsed, as the Oath Keepers...

The Grouch: Portland ISO, Baked Alaska, and the ‘Summer of Rage’

The hang wringy whine-whines at IGD have pushed me to compile my thoughts into a column, as to not pollute their precious website with curse words and aggressive language. Maybe when their Patreon really takes...

Bloc Party: When They Knock on Your Front Door

The last few months have had all of us who do anti-repression work on a strict regime of too much coffee, not enough sleep, and a whole lot of Signal loops. The support work...