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The Silencing of Dissent
Chris Hedges
It's Seems Like BP Have Decided to Come Clean About Their Dirty Practices... or Have They?
2 min
Guided Meditation for Activists
12 min
Deliver Us From Venus and Mars: Why Aren’t We Free From Gender Stereotypes Yet?
Gavin Evans
Don’t Be Scared About the End of Capitalism—Be Excited to Build What Comes Next
Jason Hickel and Martin Kirk
Show Up, Stand up and Step Up: Bold Action in the Wake of Storms
Jason von Meding and Heidi Harmon
Nature Isn't On a Rampage. That Would Be Us.
Cynthia Barnett
The Great Flood
Chris Hedges
Religion Is Not the Only Reason Rohingyas Are Being Forced Out of Myanmar
Giuseppe Forino, Jason von Meding, Tom Johnson
Why We Should Love Our Enemies
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thinking Strategically About Free Speech and Violence
Nathan J. Robinson
The Coming Great Transition
Jordan Greenhall
We Can't Transform American Politics Till We Understand the Psychodynamics at Play
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Why We Should Teach About the FBI’s War on the Civil Rights Movement
Ursula Wolfe-Rocca
For More Resilient Cities, Stop Trying to Conquer Nature
David Suzuki
Taking the Fight Against White Supremacy Into Schools
Adam Sanchez
Song From the Forest (2013)
96 min
Ever the Land (2015)
90 min
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How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’
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Don’t Be Scared About the End of Capitalism—Be Excited to Build What Comes Next
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Deliver Us From Venus and Mars: Why Aren’t We Free From Gender Stereotypes Yet?
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This Facebook Comment About the UK Election Is Going Viral
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Guided Meditation for Activists
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John Lennon's "Imagine," Made Into a Comic Strip
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Show Up, Stand up and Step Up: Bold Action in the Wake of Storms
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Our website has cataloged over 3000 of the best documentaries, short films and videos that can be watched free online, sorted into 40 subjects related to changing the world. And, since there's still so much to learn about that isn't featured in a film, we've also cataloged a fair amount of articles, too.



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We're here to support all of the global movements working to change the present system. We believe many hands make light work, and we need all of us helping our 'movement of movements' in whatever way feels right for each other. We need both a diversity of tactics and a diversity of efforts, so the more we can support each other and see how our efforts complement each other, the stronger we'll be.

We're loving for a world that's just, democratic, egalitarian, and ecologically healing in ways that the present system cannot offer. Our fire burns for a vision of a global paradigm based on trust and cooperation rather than fear and competition. So long as there is suffering in the world, our work is not done.

This idea that "I am because you are" - that your happiness is my happiness - this is the guiding principle of love, of ubuntu that is what keeps our feet moving and our hearts in action. We are all one human family in relationship with each other and the rest of the community of life on Earth. We seek power with, not power over.

We celebrate the diversity of peaceful cultures that exists across the globe while recognizing our underlying unity. We stand against the homogenization of the world in all it's various forms - this toxic belief in the 'one right way' which has been responsible for all of the colonialization and conquest and subjugation we have seen in the past.

We believe that the old way should not be replaced with a new best way (which would be a repeat of the old way) - but rather 10,000 new and ancient ways of living. There is no one solution to the world's problems. There are 10,000 solutions, 10,000 ways of life - and we need them all. 

We are everyone who dreams of a more beautiful world and is finding ways to put their values into action.

We aren't here to fix the old media. We're here to be the new media - a diverse and decentralized network of tens of thousands of indy media efforts working towards our common dreams.

As more and more of us become the new media, sharing, broadcasting and mircocasting media across the internet, we will eventually dwarf the impact of the old media. Eventually, our alternative models will make the old media obsolete.

Films For Action is one contribution to this network among thousands. But it's going to take all of us to hit the tipping point. 

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