

  1. Google, the internet and news

    The search giant insists it is a friend to newsrooms and says it is not to blame for reducing the online advertising revenue that used to subsidise newsrooms.

  2. Banks' asset reflux

    For the past few decades Australia's deregulated banks gobbled up almost every financial services business they were allowed to take over. Now it seems they have a severe case of asset reflux.

  3. Fossil beer on trend

    An Aussie brewer pays tribute to local fossil research though a new beer filtered through 500-million-year-old shale rock.

  4. Solar battery future

    As the debate rages over how to bring rein in rising energy prices, a new poll shows the majority of Australians see solar batteries as the key to cheaper and more reliable energy.

  5. Robo-recruiters hire future workers

    Want a job in the future? Prepare yourself for Snapchat applications, computer game-style cognitive assessments, and video applications before you even get the chance to talk to a human.

  6. Aussie dollar dazzler

    The Australian dollar seems stuck around 80 US cents, but its rise is more a story about the US dollar's recent demise.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Fri Sep 22 2017 16:11:00 GMT+1000 (AEST))
Index Opening Closing Change
5716.70 5740.60 0.4%
5655.40 5682.10 0.5%
2108.30 2127.20 0.9%
9148.20 9182.70 0.4%
6360.90 6419.20 0.9%
22521.30 22558.60 0.2%
880.30 883.30 0.3%
10277.10 10264.60 -0.1%
5650.80 5633.30 -0.3%
9297.40 9331.90 0.4%
1249.80 1259.50 0.8%
7877.00 7922.20 0.6%
2441.10 2442.30

Last updated

Historical data for


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