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Tag Archives: An Nabi Saleh

Messages of support to Mustafa Tamimi’s family

1 February 2012 | Life on Bir Zeit Campus Martyrs are not numbers. It is essential for us and for supporters of the Palestinian cause to remember the stories behind the names and numbers. For this reason, we offering this ...

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Live sniper-fire injures protester in Nabi Saleh

Protester evacuated after being shot with live ammo in Nabi Saleh today. Picture credit: Oren Ziv/ActiveStills

23 December 2011 | Popular Struggle Coordination Committee Two weeks after the killing of Mustafa Tamimi during a demonstration in the village, an Israeli sniper shot a protester with live 0.22″ caliber ammunition, banned for crowd control purposes. Earlier today, ...

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The death of a stone-thrower


by Jonathan Pollak 13 December 2011 | Haaretz Mustafa Tamimi threw stones. Unapologetically and sometimes fearlessly. Not on that day alone, but nearly every Friday. He also concealed his face. Not for fear of the prison cell, which he had ...

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