Featured Article

A protester at a march against the privatization of water in San Salvador (CISPES)

September 4, 2017
By Hilary Goodfriend This article was originally published in NACLA, see the original... Read more >>

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Photo: Contrapunto

August 24, 2017
His visit is part of the Administration´s xenophobic fear mongering about Central American gangs in the US. Read more >>

Social movement organizations protest the recent Constitutional Chamber decisions.

August 17, 2017
This directly threatens the government’s ability to meet its financial obligations Read more >>

ARENA Business Magnates and Presidential Hopefuls Javier Siman and Carlos Calleja. Photo: Contrapunto

July 26, 2017
CISPES' first report on El Salvador’s upcoming legislative and municipal elections, set to take place in March 2018 Read more >>

Social Movement leaders demonstrate against the privatization of water. Source: Foro del Agua

July 13, 2017
Sincethe prohibition on all metallic mining water there is continued mobilizing around water as a human right Read more >>
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