Wanna know your future!!!!

Our future is weird. Our Future is Human.

That is the one reason why we want to know our future. Quantumrun, a device friendly responsive website is a leading source of futurism news and thought that educates readers and helps them understand how they can impact the future of technology, science, health and culture.

Why Drupal was chosen: 

The reasons are many, but few of them are:

  1. QR is an Article based site and Drupal easily helps to manage websites like this.
  2. Client was willing to inherit features of role management & people management.
  3. Drupal helps to manage Article's screening process easily.
Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

Special requirement/ Challenges encountered:

  1. Infinite Scroll
  2. "Future clock" search. Would filter the Year and provide results Data from WordPress site is migrated here.
  3. Infinite scroll: This would load related article on scroll.
  4. Creating & updating content of a type based on other contents.

Good features/key features & challenging features:

Quantumrun has some amazing features like:

  1. Filtration [Category wise, Year wise, Keyword search, Employee Details]
  2. Clock Search
  3. Disqus module used for commenting on any post.
  4. Rating
  5. Newsletters
  6. Social Media sharing [Facebook, Twitter]
  7. Advertisement form, Contact us Form, Tip Us form.
  8. Data from WordPress site is migrated here.
  9. Chosen module is used through which we can search even if drop down is included. [Clock Search]
  10. Infinite scroll.

AddWeb Team worked all together in a Scrum Development methodology as one team and each team member had a complete knowledge of the project objective and thus able to provide the best of their effort to bring success to accomplish project.

End Result: Fantastic website and happy client 

Organizations involved: 
Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 
  • Simplenews: Send newsletters to subscribed email addresses.
  • MailChimp: MailChimp email service integration.
  • AntiSpam: Use the anti-spam service to protect your site from spam
  • Disqus: Uses the Disqus web service to enhance comments.
  • Scheduler: This module allows nodes to be published and unpublished on specified dates and time.
  • Search Configuration: Modify search form, including enforcing search restrictions by content type.
  • Google Analytics: Allows your site to be tracked by Google Analytics by adding a Javascript tracking code to every page.
  • Better Exposed Filters: Allow the use of checkboxes or radio buttons for exposed Views filters.
  • FlexSlider: Integrate the FlexSlider 2 library with Drupal
  • Node Reference Filter: Defines a field type for referencing one node from another.
  • AdSense: Tracks clicks to Google Adsense.
Project team: 

Deepali Agrawal: Drupal Developer
Tejal Patel: Drupal Developer
Vivek Chauhan: CSS, HTML
Krina Soni: Quality Assurance

Do you have a Drupal project coming up? Get in touch with us if you'd like our team to get involved.