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Tag Archives: Digests

Ramadan in occupied Hebron

12th June 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine On 5th June, the holy month of Ramadan started. In occupied al-Khalil (Hebron), the Old City, that till then had been mainly deserted, comes back to life ...

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Open The Zone: press conference

13th May 2016 | Open the Zone campaign | Hebron, occupied Palestine On 12th May 2016, the Open the Zone campaign held a press conference in front of Shuahda checkpoint in Hebron – protesting the continuous collective punishment and denial ...

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Open The Zone: information on CMZ and Hebron

Friday, May 27th Tel Rumeida and Shuhada Street are among the oldest areas of the city of Hebron. They are also among the most difficult places for Palestinians to now live. The first illegal settlements set up after the Israeli occupation ...

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Open The Zone: personal accounts

Saturday, May 28th (Mufeed Sharabati) Mufeed Sharabati, 50-years, Shuahda Street resident compares living in the closed military zone (CMZ) with prison – just worse: “Life here is even worse than being in jail. A prisoner knows when his sentence is ...

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Open The Zone: Palestinians are people – not numbers

3rd May 2016 | Open The Zone Campaign: International Solidarity Movement & Youth Against Settlements | Hebron, occupied Palestine *******UPDATE 20th May 2016******* The closed military zone order has officially been ‘lifted’ – many restrictions and discrimination remain. ******* 3rd ...

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