Capitalist Casualties: Subdivisions in Ruin LP

It has been a while since I’ve posted anything and there are two reasons why.

1. I moved to New Jersey
2. I’ve been busy

I doubt I’ll post with the frequency I did when I was in Florida but I’ll put something up at least once or twice a week. Here is one of the better power violence records from the ’90s: Capitalist Casualties’ Subdivisions in Ruin LP. Some of the earlier CC stuff is good; some of it isn’t. This record is one of my personal favorites. It features Max from Spazz on drums and contains over 20 short, brutal hardcore songs. Have fun.

Capitalist Casualties: Subdivisions in Ruin

Leviathan: True Traitor, True Whore

Leviathan: True Traitor, True Whore
Released: 2011 (Profound Lore Records)

The only reason I’m posting this is because Jeff Whitehead supposedly raped his girlfriend with tattoo equipment. I didn’t know the guy did tattoos but he does and apparently used his utensils to brutalize a woman. Fuck this guy. I used to like Leviathan but after hearing this I’m totally turned off by anything associated with him, especially people named Jeff, white people, and heads (of all varieties).

There’s this great blog I read sometimes called Sunny Cellars. Go there to check out the record by clicking here.

I’m still in the moving process so posts will continue to be sporadic. Thanks.

Taking a Lunch Break

I’m moving to the New York area in the next few days and instead of writing this stuff up I’m going to concentrate on moving. Plus, I have a long drive ahead of me and I’d rather not think about this blog until I’m up there and settled. This should take about two weeks. It’s possible I’ll post during this time but the chances are slim. Until then here are a few links to articles about the film Children of Men; I’m doing a guest lecture spot at a local University on the film right before I move. If you haven’t seen it yet run out to your nearest video store and…Wait, those don’t exist anymore. Just download it or hit up your local library for a copy. It’s probably on HBO or Cinemax here and there and you can find it that way. The possibilities are endless!

Thanks for reading this and don’t fret (as if you were to begin with) – the posts will return daily starting around the middle of November. Until then read these articles I’ve been combing over for the last few days. Also, check out some of the blogs and sites listed on the right; they’re filled with great music and information.

Children of Men article from Jump Cut magazine

An article from Dissent magazine about the science fiction dystopia

An article by Slavoj Žižek about Children of Men

5ive: Self Titled LP

5ive: Self Titled LP
Released: 2001 (Tortuga Recordings)

I first saw 5ive in New Jersey about eight years ago. Manowar was headlining a metal festival and the night before the festivities began they played a small bar with Rune and a few other bands. They blew me away. Consisting of only a guitarist and a drummer their sound filled the whole place and watching them was mesmerizing. This album, I believe their first, is still my favorite of theirs and is recommended for anybody who likes heavy instrumental music.

Here is the track Burning Season:

5ive: Self Titled LP

Wendy Carlos: Tron

Wendy Carlos: Tron Original Soundtrack
Released: 1982 (CBS Records)

Wendy Carlos is a notorious name in the world of Moog synthesizers. Her first record, Switched on Bach, released in 1968, demonstrates the possibilities of the new musical technology, questioning the criticisms by musical purists. Decades later the Moog is still a revered instrument and Carlos’ compositions and renditions of classical favorites (such as the 1972 soundtrack for A Clockwork Orange) are still viable today. The Tron soundtrack, featuring Carlos’ original score and a track by arena rockers Journey, is a great piece of analog synthesizer music. This version is from the original 1982 LP.

Wendy Carlos: Tron

Zombi: Cosmos

Zombi: Cosmos
Released: 2004 (Relapse Records)

Zombi’s debut full-length LP is one of my favorite records of the last decade. Some people say it sounds like Rush’s keyboard parts, other think it’s a cross between John Carpenter’s score and Italian prog rockers Goblin. I think it sounds like all of this combined, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of dystopic science fiction like Blade Runner. Decide for yourself.

Here is the track Cetus:

Here is Zombi live in 2006:

Zombi: Cosmos

Julee Cruise: The Voice of Love

Julee Cruise: The Voice of Love
Released: 1993 (Warner Brothers Records)

This is the second record Cruise did with Angelo Badalamenti and David Lynch. While it doesn’t compare to the first one, Floating Into the Night, it does contain a bunch of great tracks, including two songs from Lynch’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. If you enjoy beautiful, haunting, and ethereal music check this record out.

Here is the track Questions in a World of Blue.

Julee Cruise: The Voice of Love