APSA Workshop on Gender Innovation in Political Science

Tuesday 22 November 2016

The  APSA Workshop on Gender Innovation in Political Science, convened by Marian Sawer and Kerryn Baker, was held at the ANU on 10 and 11 November. The workshop was a sequel to the 2011 APSA workshop on the advancement of women in political science and was again co-sponsored by SPIR and the Gender Institute.

There were over 30 participants, including officials from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. The papers showcased specific areas in which gender research had sharpened the focus of the discipline, including: electoral and parliamentary studies; the study of social movements and norm diffusion; and distributive, discursive and new institutional approaches to the policy process.

The book will be launched at the 25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science (Brisbane  2018), which will include the Eighth Oceanic Conference on International Studies.

Updated:  23 October, 2017/Responsible Officer:  College Dean/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications