EuroScience at Questacon

Come along to a spectacular EuroScience show and discover the past, present and future of European science and technology; the heroes of European science history and the world of energy production! Over six days, Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre, in collaboration with the ANU Centre for European Studies (ANUCES) and the Delegation of the European Union to Australia, presents a special array of activities…

Inside a Collider
Excited Particle Lachlan McGinness takes us on his European adventure inside the CERN Large Hadron Collider, in all its smashing glory. Suitable for 8 and above.

Marie Curie’s Notebook
A theatrical story based on excerpts from Marie Curie’s letters and workbooks. We explore the life and scientific pursuits of this extraordinary physicist and chemist, who pioneered the study of radiation. Suitable for 8 and above.

How do we power the world? We will explore the big questions with electrical demonstrations and cutting edge research into technologies for the future. Presented by ANU Emeritus Professor Hans Bachor and Questacon’s Patrick Helean. Suitable for 8 and above.

European Astronomy
Astronomy through the eyes of Europe, from the early discoveries of Copernicus and Gallileo to recent and current missions, and future directions, of the European Space Agency. Suitable for 10 and above.

European Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs were first identified and named in Europe. We look back and trace those early discoveries up to amazing fossils being unearthed today. Suitable for 8 and above.

Q Lab guests
Throughout the week, Q Lab will play host to special guest scientists, showcasing European research and current scientific endeavours. Suitable for all ages.

For more information download the EuroScience program (PDF 515.77 KB)

Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre
King Edward Terrace, Canberra
Phone: 02 6270 2800
Open 9am – 5pm every day
Closed 25 December
Admission fees apply

Date & time

9am 25 September – 5pm 30 September 2017


Questacon, King Edward Terrace, Canberra ACT 260


Various - see event program


02 6270 2800

Updated:  25 September, 2017/Responsible Officer:  College Dean/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications