Friends of the Earth (FoE) Melbourne  is a non-for profit organisation working for a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable future. The international Friends of the Earth network is  active in 77 countries with over 2 million members. Read more.


Anti-nuclear campaign update - September 2017

Please see below an update from FoE's anti-nuclear campaign with recent events, upcoming events, 'take action' requests, and some recent nuclear news.

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Westgate Tunnel hearings nothing but concerns

Since I started as the FoE & PTNT Sustainable Cities campaigner I have been continually shocked as I learn more about the Transurban $5.5 billion mega-toll road proposed for Melbourne’s West. 

What started as a much needed proposal to get noisy, poisonous trucks off the residential streets of the inner West has now morphed into a crazy plan to lock the West into a car dependent future. Titled a tunnel, it actually consists of a 12-lane toll way, short tunnel, 3 giant bridges across the Maribyrnong River, then an 18-lane double-decker road leading to spaghetti interchanges and flyovers.


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Lower House passes Victorian Renewable Energy Target


MEDIA RELEASE: 21 September 2017

Lower house passes Vic Renewable Energy Target: "Victoria a step closer to jobs, cheaper power, and climate action"

Friends of the Earth have welcomed the passage of the Renewable Energy Jobs & Investment Bill 2017 in the Victorian Parliament, saying the result brings Victoria a step closer to jobs, cheaper power, and action on climate change.

"Passage of the Victorian Renewable Energy Target brings our state a step closer to jobs, cheaper power, and climate action," said Pat Simons, Friends of the Earth's renewable energy spokesperson.

"This outcome is a big win for the community, the labour movement, business, and everyone hungry for action on climate change."

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Mirboo North mobilises against logging

mirboonorth.jpgWell over 300 people turned out on a freezing night to stop logging in Mirboo North in Gippsland on the 14th of September. Local resident Marg Thomas said "Vic Forests (VF), were ill prepared for the well informed and vehement community opposition to logging the community's local forests".

"The people attending voted unanimously that logging not proceed and established the "Preserve our Forests Campaign". This small community's indomitable spirit is something VF will find hard, if not impossible, to counter. Mirboo North residents will never give up and are determined to preserve their forests".

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State government purchase of ailing timber mill should complete transition out of native forests

The Andrew’s government purchase of the ailing Heyfield timber mill should now complete the transition out of native forests into plantations, environment group Friends of the Earth has said.  

“The purchase of the mill gives the government an opportunity to decisively act to protect forests and prevent the extinction of endangered wildlife. The next step is to urgently complete the transition of the logging industry out of native forests and into plantations and create the Great Forest National Park,” said Friends of the Earth campaigner Ed Hill.


Recent logging within the proposed Great Forest National Park - Chris Taylor

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Massive day of action for forests on Threatened Species Day

Web_Convergence3_copy.jpgFriends of the Earth's forest collective organised a massive day of action for National Threatened Species Day last week, on 7 September. 

Our forest campaign released the Lawless Logging report with Goongerah Environment Centre and Fauna and Flora Research Collective documenting 27 cases of logging in Victoria that breached environmental protections for threatened wildlife and rainforest over the last three years.

FoE mobilised dozens of forest activists and coordinated with forest groups across Victoria to hold actions throughout the city highlighting the report’s findings and recommendations.

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Report exposes Labor's lawless logging

To mark National Threatened Species day, Friends of the Earth Melbourne has released a report documenting 27 unlawful native forest logging operations in protected threatened species habitat and rainforest. 

These logging operations have occurred under the Andrews Labor government.

The Lawless logging report has been prepared by FoE in partnership with forest survey groups Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO) and Fauna and Flora Research Collective (FFRC).

Read the report here.



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AEMO analysis shows Victorian Renewable Energy Target will secure state's energy future

VRET_aemo_sept_2017.pngMEDIA RELEASE - 5 Sept 2017

Friends of the Earth welcome the Australian Energy Market Operator's Electricity Statement of Opportunities, and say the analysis shows the Victorian Renewable Energy Target will secure the state's energy future.

“Premier Daniel Andrews is securing Victoria's energy supply in the face of federal inaction by investing in renewable energy,” said Pat Simons, Freinds of the Earth spokesperson.

"The Andrews government has made the right call with it's decision to set renewable energy targets."

"The AEMO analysis shows the electricity sector is gearing up for greater use of wind and solar."

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Threatened Species Day - get ready for a massive day of action for our wildlife


On 7 September 1996, Threatened Species Day was declared to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the death of the last remaining Tasmanian tiger at Hobart Zoo in 1936.

To commemorate the day this year, the Victorian government "encourage[s] the community to prevent further extinctions of Australia's fauna and flora, and to restore healthy numbers of endangered species and ecological communities in the wild". 

The Foe Forest Collective is well up for this invitation and thinks that a good start would be for the Victorian government to stop logging protected forest communities and their threatened and endangered wildlife! And to end the logging industry's exemption from federal environment laws that protect threatened species!

On Threatened Species Day we'll deliver our message right across Melbourne in a massive day of action. Do you want to join in?

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