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Mexico: Political Statement from the Autonomous Brigades After the Earthquakes

To the people of Mexico To the Indigenous Governing Council To the National Indigenous Congress To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation To the National and International Sixth We...

Troll Me A River: Alt-Lite Event Backed by Billionaires Implodes

In the wake of the death of antifascist protester Heather Heyer and the savage beating of students and youth as young as 17 in...

Containing the Crisis: A History of Mass Incarceration and Rebellion in...

Written by the Rustbelt Abolition Research Collective (a project of MAPS: Michigan Abolition and Prisoner Solidarity). When you’ve finished reading this text, please consider...

Over 100 Days on Hunger Strike: Urgent Call for Solidarity with...

Urgent Call for National and International Solidarity in Support of the 107+ Day Mapuche Political Prisoner Hunger Strike Thursday, September 21st, 2017 Since July 7th, 2017,...

From Pitt to Georgia Tech: Cops Off Campus!

On Wednesday morning, we dropped two banners at the University of Pittsburgh. They read, “From Pitt to Georgia Tech: Disarm the Police, Arm Your...

350 Miles Against State Repression

On September 27, a collective of DC-based riders will kick off a 350-mile bike ride as a fundraiser for groups on the front line of...

“#NoCopAcademy†Campaign Opposes $95 Million for New Police Grounds

Over the 4th of July weekend, Rahm announced plans to build a multi-million dollar police and fire training academy in a predominantly Black community...

Mexico: Solidarity and Self-Organization in Earthquake Aftermath

On Tuesday, September 19, a powerful earthquake struck central Mexico. With a magnitude of 7.1 on the Richter scale and the epicenter just south...

Deface Columbus Day: A Call to Action

The battles lines have been drawn and white supremacists are on notice. White nationalist statues are crumbling all over the US as our collective...

In Honor of Scout: Support Rebellion at Georgia Tech

On the night of September 16th, Scout Schultz, a 21 year old queer activist and anti-fascist, was murdered by police on Georgia Tech campus....

All The News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

It hasn't even been a week but already it feels like there needs to be a roundup and collection of news before it slips...

Living Autonomy: Anarchists Organize Relief Efforts in Florida

Recently we spoke with Dezeray about her organizing with Mutual Aid Disaster Relief (MADR) in the weeks since Hurricane Irma and how spaces such...

#BringBackStim: Support SubMedia and Help Create Weekly Show

Donate Here We are at a critical moment in human history. Our world continues to be wracked by catastrophic climate change, devastating wars, surging inequality, and...

Letter from #J20 Anarchist Prisoner Dane Powell

"I was soon approached by the prisons gang task force and threatened over organizing in their prison. They said that if there was a...

Hotwire #5: Resistance Explodes in St. Louis and Atlanta

This week we speak with two folks who’ve been active on the street of St. Louis since white ex-cop Jason Stockley was let off...

Shaka Shakur Charged with Attacking Guard at Wabash Valley, Indiana: Calls...

On Aug. 31, Shaka Shakur, political prisoner and inmate of Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, was involved in an altercation with two correctional officers. Jon...

Resistance for Scout: Fighting in Their Memory

"But police murder is never justified, and neither are the police as an institution. Simply put: the police serve as an occupying force." On the...

Atlanta, GA: Banner Drops Remember Scout Schultz

In the wake of the police killing of Scout Schultz on the Georgia Tech University campus in Atlanta, in which Scout was shot down...

Richmond, VA: Despite Heavy Handed Police, Neo-Confederates Shut Down

"We had reports of black people open carrying turned away while white confederates were allowed to freely roam with their guns." The morning of September...

FBI Seeks To Question A Minor in Western North Carolina

On September 8, 2017, an FBI agent attempted to visit a comrade in western North Carolina. They visited a house, and the person there...

Tonight is For All of Us: Remembering Scout Schultz RIP

Remembering Scout Schultz on Georgia Tech Campus On September 18th, 2017, hundreds gathered outside of the Georgia Tech student center for a vigil commemorating the...
On Tuesday, September 19, a powerful earthquake struck central Mexico. With a magnitude of 7.1 on the Richter scale and the epicenter just south of the city of Puebla, it has caused numerous deaths and widespread damage in Mexico City and the neighboring states of Puebla, Morelos and the...
"I was soon approached by the prisons gang task force and threatened over organizing in their prison. They said that if there was a strike they were coming for me and my time would be extended. The state knows our capacities and they're threatened by it." Throughout my whole life,...
On Wednesday morning, we dropped two banners at the University of Pittsburgh. They read, “From Pitt to Georgia Tech: Disarm the Police, Arm Your Desire†and “Solidarity with St. Louis and Atlanta: Fuck the Police.†The first was hung from student dorms, the second from condemned housing near campus...
Over the 4th of July weekend, Rahm announced plans to build a multi-million dollar police and fire training academy in a predominantly Black community on Chicago’s west side. The construction alone will cost $95 million, in a neighborhood he closed 6 schools in. This is just the latest version...
In the wake of the death of antifascist protester Heather Heyer and the savage beating of students and youth as young as 17 in Charlottesville, VA, the Alt-Right has imploded, while encouraging its base to go underground and begin engaging in "leaderless resistance." The Unite the Right protest led...
We are together in the fight to legalize all migration, to empty the deportation centers, to demilitarize and decolonize the borders, and to disband ICE. This is the same fight that existed before Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was enacted in 2012. This is the same fight that...