Garden of Ghosts – Syayou (Somehow Recordings, 2011)

Garden of Ghosts

CDr Somehow Recordings SR-13 (UK, 02-2011)

01. Syayou

Written and produced by Hakobune & Nobuto Suda

Entre une multiplication des sorties (pas toujours vitales même s’il y a quelques belles découvertes dans la masse) et une inflation des tarifs (de moins en moins justifiée pour des objets en format CDr, dans des emballages soignés mais pas transcendants non plus, et officiant dans un ambient très balisé), j’avoue ne plus trop suivre l’actualité de ce label. Mais en réécoutant cet album, je me dis que j’ai sans doute tort.

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Christian Renou + K2 – Untitled Collaboration (Test Tone Music, 2012)

Christian Renou + K2
Untitled Collaboration

CDr Test Tone Music TTMR-005 (Japan, 2012)

01. C. Renou + K2 – #1
02. C. Renou + K2 – #2
03. C. Renou + K2 – #3
04. C. Renou + K2 – #4
05. C. Renou + K2 – #5
06. K2 + C. Renou – Axial #1
07. K2 + C. Renou – Axial #2
08. K2 + C. Renou – Axial #3
09. K2 + C. Renou – Axial #4

1-5 composed, played, and recorded and Brume Rec. Studio, 2002.
6-9 composed, played and recorded at Oncosonik Laboratory, 2002.
Edited on Aug. 01, 2002.
Mastered on June 16th, 2010.

This collaboration work has not been previously released as any format for long long years. We took a contact each other, about 8 years after, so that we decide the release of this collaboration work. We had similar problems, but we go well and we go strongly beyond such problems. You may surprise to our collaboration, but this result is very excellent as experimental music. Please enjoy it. (Test Tone Music)

Collaboration postale entre Christian Renou (Brume) et K2 (Kimihide Kusafuka) enregistrée et montée en 2002 mais publié seulement en 2011. Une partie où le premier retravaille dans son studio avec les sons de l’autre, et la situation inverse dans la seconde partie. Des expérimentations musclées genre rouleau compresseur d’un côté, des bricolages plus intimes de l’autre avec des voix fantomatiques et un musical qui résiste ! (Metamkine)

FR Christian Renou toujours dans la place. Le CD doit pouvoir se trouver, la version digitale est sur Bandcamp dans le format de votre choix. Alors pourquoi je le poste ici, on se le demande (et à quoi sert encore ce blog, d’ailleurs).
ENG The CD version may not be sold out yet, the digital version is available in high quality format(s) on Bandcamp. So I’m not sure we still need this blog after all…

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Kiko C. Esseiva – Déclics pour un Nouveau Jour (autoproduit, 2012)

Kiko C. Esseiva
Déclics pour un Nouveau Jour

CDr3′ self-released (Switzerland, 2012)

01. Déclics
02. Par contre
03. Cependant pourtant toutefois
04. Néanmoins nouveau jour

Musique concrète réalisée en 2012

Une série de mini-CDs fabriqués à la maison dans des pochettes artisanales pour découvrir plus en détail le travail de Kiko C. Esseiva. Une musique concrète redécouvrant les plaisirs de la bande et du support, un plaisir du son brut et du bricolage électroacoustique. (Metamkine)

J’étais d’humeur à laisser ce blog retomber dans sa léthargie, mais de petits objets ont attiré mon regard chez un ami : trois mini-CDs artisanaux de Kiko C Esseiva (responsable entre autres d’épatants albums chez Hinterzimmer), distribués récemment par Metamkine mais déjà indisponibles avant que je puisse mettre la main dessus. Empruntés et numérisés dans la foulée, en voici déjà un (les autres suivront plus tard, ou pas).

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Gish – Billion (Dead Pilot, 2010)


CDr Dead Pilot Records DEAD037 (UK, 12-2010)

01. Making Sasuage
02. Imagineer
03. Numbies
04. Gisted
05. Ego Surf

A collection of recordings made over summer 2009, originally intended to be released on tape. Thunderdrones, post-feedback, drumclutter-programming and euphoric melodies generated from guitars, vintage electronics and stolen samples. Lovely handmade packaging, limited edition. (Gish)

Gish is a mysterious entity with significant pedigree in the underground experimental music scene. S/He (?) has had a number of releases on Dirty Demos and Krayon and now it’s Dead Pilot who have taken up the mantle on ‘Billion’. This one is a serious exercise in minimalist sound manipulation and sustained drones. The album begins with a cheeky percussive flurry that eventually gives way for a selection of ambient tones and glacial soundscapes. The majority of it sounds like manipulated guitar sustain but other treatments include subtle distortions, mild static hums and possibly treated vocals. It’s a blissful affair unburdened by any consistent noise element and very much consistent with Eno’s vision of a ambient drone utopia. Peaceful stuff. (Norman Records)

Fantastic album from veteran of the UK underground scene, having released music on Dirty Demos and Krayon Recordings and toured with the band Sunshine Republic, Gish brings us 5 tracks of glorious experimentalism and sound art. Beginning with a frantic and uneasy burst of percussion, the album takes us through various soundscapes and textural sustains that range from minimal glassy tones accompanied by shifting static to huge waves of fractured psychedelic distortion. Every idea is perfectly executed and explored limitlessly without ever become tiresome or self indulgent. This is a gripping listen from start to finish that will please fans of noise, ambient and experimentalism. (Experimedia)

FR Encore un excellent disque noyé dans la masse. Sur les cent copies éditées, certaines sont encore disponibles chez Norman et Experimedia, où elles prennent la poussière alors que le label a entre temps cessé ses activités.
ENG Dead Pilot no longer exists, but a few copies of this album are still available at Norman Records or Experimedia. And it’s really a good one.

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André Foisy – Theory of Progress (Small Doses, 2010)

André Foisy
Theory of Progress

CDr3′ Small Doses DOSE91 (USA, 2010)

01. Theory of Progress

Recorded in Chicago, Il, fall 2009.

Theory of Progress is a new solo expedition from André Foisy, best know for being half of Locrian. The disc is comprised of a single 21 minute composition taking a more mellow and contemplative turn from much of his work with Locrian. Edition of 78 copies packaged in an eight page color booklet featuring photos by Kelly Rix. (Small Doses)

Je suis nul aux blind-tests : les yeux fermés j’aurais dit du Ambarchi période Suspension. Pas loin mais perdu, en fait c’est une moitié de Locrian en mode ambient guitar. Du beau boulot en tout cas.

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Lunar Miasma – Mirror Squares (Reverb Worship, 2010)

Lunar Miasma
Mirror Squares

CDr Reverb Worship RW 106 (UK, 02-2010)

01. Phoenix
02. Mirror Squares
03. Mountain Wolf
04. From the Sun
05. March of the Alien Fly

Panos Alexiadis : analog synths, guitars & fx
May-july 09, Athens, GR

Lunar Miasma is electronic musician Panos Alexiadis from Athens, Greece. Mirror Squares is his superb debut for Reverb Worship. The album contains five tracks of deep space drone fused with spikes of psychedelic electronic pulses and wave forms. This music evolves slowly subdividing in and out of a void, like being enveloped in a cosmic hailstorm. Recorded in may to july 2009 using anolog synthesizers, guitars and effects. The CD is available now and comes in a limited edition of 50 copies with hand numbered insert. (Reverb Worship)

Déjà croisé par ici, Panos Alexiadis se distingue du tout venant synth planant par sa puissance de feu. Si son CD chez Basses Frequences reste son meilleur album à ce jour, celui-ci n’est pas mal non plus.

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On – On (Celebrate Psi Phenomenon, 2006)


CD Celebrate Psi Phenomenon 1014 (New Zealand, 2006)

01. We’ve Got TV
02. Fire Down Below
03. My Head
04. Bonobo
05. Pole Position
06. Jag Mechanic
07. King Kill
08. Manawaroa
09. Attack Hold Release
10. Western Fault
11. Bone

Tym Krasevac – drums & vocals
Marney Macleod – guitar & vocals
Elise Bishop – bass
Toni Kendall – bass
Justin Fuller – guitar on trk 1,3,8,9 & 11

Mixed by Elise @ Jets Studios, December ’04 – May ’05

This one is a total mystery. Not sure where they’re from (New Zealand we guess) or what their story is, other than the fact that it was released on Campbell Kneale’s (Birchville Cat Motel) Celebrate Psi Phenomenon label, and that it is one seriously blown out punked up slab of garage-y scuzz and roll. Heavy and noisy, spastic and sludgy, when this was playing in the front of the store, Allan went up to see what black metal record was playing if that tells you anything. Filthy and crumbling ultra distorted guitars, boy girl vocals WAY down in the mix, riffs that go from paint peeling shred to gut churning rumble. Some ungodly hybrid of vintage Dead C, the Butthole Surfers, The Germs, Flipper, recent AQ faves the Violent Students, and recent Siltbreeze noisemakers Times New Viking. This is definitely punk as fuck, but wrapped in layer after layer of guitar grit and broken amp splatter, classic punk rock swallowed whole, chewed up and spit out in huge sludgy gobs of grrrrr and rrrroooaaar. Epic sludgescapes of pound and churn, showered with wild lightning bolts of squealing feedback. There seem to be pop songs in there somewhere, but don’t even try to dig that deep, you’ll just end up bruised and bloodied, or you’ll lose a hand or an arm. Best to just lay back, close your eyes real tight, clamp your hands tight over your ears, let these noise rockers just back their ten ton punksludge steamroller right over you and pray you survive.
(Aquarius Records)

Tym Krasevac : batterie et voix. Marney Macleod : guitare électrique et voix. Elise Bishop : guitare basse. Toni Kendall : guitare basse. Justin Fuller : guitare électrique (plages 1, 3, 8, 9 et 11). Mixé en 2004-2005. Juvénile qui arrache sous influence Sonic Youth, Blonde Redhead, Nirvana etc… Une puissance de feu très très agréable, ça braille, y’a d’la hargne, ça ramone et c’est foutrement rugueux. Tout baigne. On en connait qui vont jouir.

Il y a prescription alors je peux le dire : ces pochettes vieille tapisserie j’ai toujours trouvé ça moche au possible. A part ça, rock énervé au menu pour aujourd’hui.

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