Dick Goddard's Wintery Forest Revisited

>> Saturday, June 10, 2017

4-way split of sludge, noise and metal. Featuring Otsie with two completely so shitty they are great metal tracks, Black Mayonnaise with a sludgy mess of low bass growls and a drum machine doom drums, a previously unreleased demo track from possibly 1989 by Feces Devourer and twelve minutes of feedback soaked noisy blown out doom from Sloth. Dick Goddard was the meteorologist for WJW-TV, Cleveland, Ohio for over five decades and holds the Guinness world record for longest career as a weather forecaster.

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Cribreath - Live Frying Demo

>> Wednesday, June 7, 2017

No info but you can bet we got John Olson on here making synth noise in two hard panned left and right channels again. This one's a little more sparse sounding than the two Spykes tapes posted earlier, nice big empty spaces for these hardwave synths to play around in.

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Sick Llama - Alien Pass

>> Monday, June 5, 2017

We got that classic Sick Llama sound of decaying synths crawling out from a rotting cellar with a nice collage of piano and drums mixed in there. Great shit. My tape says one of four on it. Enjoy. 

Get it here.


Spykes - Peak 2

>> Sunday, June 4, 2017

And here's the sequel. No sax on this one, but the fuckin weird synth/feedback noises here are superb. Side A sounds like a direct continuation of the Peak 1 B side. The Second side of this tape also kicks ass but its mysteriously the only part that's in mono. 

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Spykes - Peak 1

John Olson's Spykes on a homemade cassette. Each side is noise from synth and some sax (or clarinet?). Consists of two long tracks for either side, hard panned in the left and right channels, which feels really fucked up at first but after listening long enough it becomes very rewarding. Or if you where so inclined you could just listen to the left channel....or just listen to the right! Two albums in one!! But this is only Peak 1. Second tape coming up soon. 

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Elvis Pervsees - Pervis Promo

One for the weirdos. The songs of Elvis Presley, The Doors and a few others played with someone doing a fucked up Elvis impersonation (that almost borders on Arnold) over the top of them. Songs like Tom Jones' "Whats New Pussy Cat" become "What's New, Anal Bitch" in this incredibly nuanced, intelligent and immediately jarring fuckin cassette that I got sent to me.  I'm going to recomend that you don't listen to this but here it is for all who are interested. 

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Urdwyg The Goldrr - Cassette Psychic Volume 4

A frantic collage of mysterious noises, guitar bashing, screaming, moaning, groaning and incantations. Short bizarre performances that quickly bleed into one another and become a bewildering trip through madness.  On recycled tape from Filthy Turd alias, Urdwyg The Goldrr. 

Get it here.


Hand and Knee - Turnpike

>> Saturday, February 25, 2017

Here's some brooding harsh noise/PE with strong black metal influences from Pennsylvania's Hand and Knee. Hand and Knee builds up dark noisy atmospheres, with a mix of chaotic microphone abuse and minimalist synth dirges. One of my favorites in this vein. Must be played loud. I think copies may be available from Pennsylvania Hypnocenter. 

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Nefaria - Soldiers of Dual Victory

Five song rehearsal demo from Portland black metal band, Nefaria. Incredibly dope riffs, incredibly rough, raw sound you would expect from this type of reh demo. Copies are available at CW Productions. Posted with permission from the band. Enjoy. 

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Strument - 1957 - 1964

>> Thursday, January 26, 2017

Strument was Stephen Ala Page and Jacob Dubois doing what I would describe as old school 80s style old school noise in the best way possible. A three tape collection of Strument's unreleased material is available at Bacteria Field. From 1957-1964 the death penalty was mandatory in all US murder trials. 

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Godcage - Untitled

Harsh noise project from Stephen Ala Page who sadly passed away last year. A completely relentless barrage with vocals buried in there somewhere. Fucking fantastic. Originally released on the Bacteria Field label. You might notice the B side is shorter than the A side, that's intentional. 

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Stalagmite Repression ‎– Cave Drawings

>> Monday, January 16, 2017

Absolutely killer sliced up harsh noise. Co-released on the Pennsylvanian Hypnocenter and Submersive Productions labels 2015. MP3s are from the master recordings courtesy of John Grimaldi.

Get it here.


Nobody's Children ‎– Quarter-Life

>> Saturday, January 14, 2017

A barrage of rumbling tape loops and disjointed basement tones from Andrew Coletrane and Heath Moerland, aka Sick Llama. 

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Ahlzagailzehguh + Existence In Decline ‎– Collateral Damage Statisticians

Live collaboration, remixed, fucked up and spit back out onto a C-10. Cassette came in a ziplock baggie with a cardboard cover which had been shot with a .22, my copy came with two spend shell casings and three bullet holes. Great dual channel head fuckery. 
Get it here. 


Hamartia - Heart of Pain, Head of Noise

>> Monday, January 9, 2017

Hamartia is a project hailing from Buffalo, NY. It's focus is mainly on live shows, where the leader and and a backing band free form their way through the show. Generally causing a ruckus and probably headaches for the venue owner.

To quote the original email:

The essential part of the live show, however, is the communal destruction that occurs.  I bring, and encourage others to bring as well, anything they'd like to smash.  TVs, stereos, radios, old computers, speakers, AC units, glass panes and bottles, really anything that can be broken in a cool way.  It's all set up beforehand, and then partway through the show, I come out into the audience and hand out hammers, crowbars, golf clubs, pipes, chains, etc., and everyone is encouraged to go absolutely apeshit on everything, and destroy to their heart's content, and as such, become a part of the show themselves, as the sounds of their destruction add to the din of noise that's already being created.  Venues are usually an absolute mess after I'm done.

Naturally, that's the danger music aspect, but I also take it one step further.  I often begin shows by putting a black hood over my face, and choking myself to close to the point of passing out, while the intro segment plays.  In my most recent show, I broke multiple glass bottles over my head, smashed a windowpane of glass, and rolled around in the shards, stabbing them into my hands, arms, and legs, grabbing pieces and cutting myself with them, covering myself with blood.  I took a broken bottle and cut my chest in front of the audience repeatedly.

With that being said they/he also have several album releases which (partially) showcase their sound and overall ambiance. I was directed towards this album as an exemplary sound. It's a minimalist but overall enjoyable trek through delay and drone effects that bundle up into chaos over time. It doesn't have the dense layered packs of noise that I usually look for in noise but the album is paced well enough that the drones and signals don't overstay their welcome. If you're into more minimal, raw albums I'd suggest you check this one out.

Here a few links to check out:

Performance video.


Laurel Noose - Dog Grave

Another fantastic Laurel Noose tape. This one isn't even on discogs so I'm suspecting it's either extremely rare or this project was more of a homebrew thing that circulated message boards. In any case it's short two song release consisting of sweet crunchy pedal noise with first song being more dynamic, fast paced and the other being more of a slow, intense burner. Recommended.

Get it here.


Kazumoto Endo & Kazuma Kubota - Switches And Knobs

Switches and Knobs was a collaborative effort between two Japanoise artists who had an idea of making an album where they would quickly interchange their noises at random intervals. Essentially it's a 25 minute jam session. At times the pauses in sounds are a bit jarring but I got used to it after a while. There's also a live session that's a little shorter but it lacks in sound quality. Overall pretty rad stuff.

Get it here.


Incapacitants - Fabrication

>> Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Hey so how about some Icapacitants. Made early in their career the main meat of this album is a live set recorded back in 1991 in Tajima. Compared to their later 90s material this is much more tamer in comparison. Perhaps this is due to the recording quality but I feel like several layers are missing. It's almost like an acoustic set in a strange way. It reminds me of their Alcoholic Speculation a bit in some ways. It's a peculiar set. The other track is a studio track that is much more intense and layered noise.

Get it here.


C.C.C.C. / Jalopaz / Alchemy Of The 20th Century

A three way split which is more of a set of three EPs released back in 1997. C.C.C.C. offers their usual brand of sonic mayhem that develops interestingly but unfortunately at one point the sound on the right channels gets cut off which I didn't find very pleasant.

The other two bands are much lesser known figures at the time. Jalopaz offers more of a drone track that is accompanied by a cellist. Their piece isn't very interesting mostly due to poor recording quality but the electronic part of the due does get interesting at points.

Alchemy Of The 20th Century is/was a moniker of Mikko Aspa (most famously known for Clandestine Blaze). On this split he sends us love with a pure dark ambient track which is probably the best of the bunch here but like a lot of ambient it overstays its welcome near the end.

All in all this is worth checking out but not really suited for repeated plays.

Get it here.


Puce Mary ‎- Success

Puce Mary is probably the first thing people will mention when you mention that you find Pharmakon is good. Obviously Pharmakon is popular so a similar alternative that is less known is clearly the superior choice in blonde girl does noise genre.

Jokes aside, Puce Mary offers ambient, soft driven (by noise standards soft) layers of sound with often melodic and pulsating drones. The comparison between her and Pharmakon I have no idea if are true because I haven't really listened to Pharmakon that much. It's cold and heartless, I like it a lot. Should check out more of her stuff in the future. Looks like she did some splits with Sewer Election, that might be cool.

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