Gavan McCarthy

Associate Professor Gavan McCarthy


eScholarship Research Centre


Gavan McCarthy has worked at the University of Melbourne in and around archives since 1978. In 2007, he was appointed Director of the eScholarship Research Centre in the University Library and in 2013 was appointed Associate Professor. He was Director of the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre (1999-2006) and led the Australian Science Archives Project (1985-1999), both in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne.

Gavan's research interests, predominantly based on action research methodologies, encompass the history and archives of Australian science; contextual information frameworks; archival science and the preservation of knowledge; and the utilisation of network science in social and cultural informatics.

Selected Publications

Alfred Dunbavin Butcher Guide to Records

Barnes, A, McCarthy, G, McCarthy, A & Tropea, R 2004, Alfred Dunbavin Butcher Guide to Records

The Australian Ballet Archive: Phase 1 Report

Jones, M, McCarthy, G & Lewis, A October 2011, The Australian Ballet Archive: Phase 1 Report, eScholarship Research Centre, The University of Melbourne

Shaping the context for an integrated knowledge hub for the dairy and grains industry project

Jones, M & McCarthy, G 2011, Shaping the context for an integrated knowledge hub for the dairy and grains industry project: managing knowledge in the public sphere – ‘lessons learned’. Prepared for the Department of Primary Industries Victoria, eScholarship Research Centre, The University of Melbourne

Three Layers: investigating the potential of data, records and context

Jones, M & McCarthy, G 2012, ‘Three Layers: investigating the potential of data, records and context’, IASSIST 2012-Data Science for a Connected World: Unlocking and Harnessing the Power of Information, Washington, DC.

The Australian Ballet Archive: Phase 2 Report

Lewis, A, Moje, C, Jones, M & McCarthy, G October 2012, The Australian Ballet Archive: Phase 2 Report. Prepared for the Australian Ballet, eScholarship Research Centre, The University of Melbourne

Australian Physiotherapy Association – History and Archives Project. Phase One Report and Proposal for Future Directions.

Lewis, A, Moje, C, Jones, M & McCarthy, G July 2012, Australian Physiotherapy Association – History and Archives Project. Phase One Report and Proposal for Future Directions, eScholarship Research Centre, The University of Melbourne.

Nancye Kent Perry Guide to Records

Holloway, A, Jones, M, McCarthy, G, , Smith, A, McCarthy, A, Smith, J & Tropea, R 2010, Nancye Kent Perry Guide to Records, The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre

Alan Rawle Coad Guide to Records

Smith, A, Smith, B, McCarthy, G & Jones, M 2009, Alan Rawle Coad Guide to Records, The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre

Visualising complex networks within humanities data for discovery and analysis

McCarthy, G, Smith, A & Melnikoff, S 2012, ‘Visualising Complex Networks within Humanities Data for Discovery and Analysis ’, Long Paper presented to Digital Humanities Australasia 2012 Conference: Building, Mapping, Connecting, Canberra.

Knowledge for the ‘risk society’: developing an International Social Science Risk Database (ISSRD)

McCarthy, GJ, Smith, A & Zinn, JO 2011, 'Knowledge for the 'risk society': developing an International Social Science Risk Database (ISSRD)', Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 23-42.

The Brown Family Guide to Records

Smith, A & McCarthy, G 2004, The Brown Family Guide to Records, Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre

Indigenous Peoples and Demography: The Complex Relation between Identity and Statistics

Smith, L, McCalman, J, Anderson, I, Smith, S, Evans, J, McCarthy, G & Beer, J 2011, 'Fractional Identities: the Political Arithmetic of Aboriginal Victorians', in Per Axelsson and Peter Sköld (eds), Indigenous peoples and demography : the complex relation between identity and statistics, Berghahn Books, New York.

Guide to the Archives of Science in Australia: Records of Individuals

McCarthy, G 1991, 'Guide to the archives of science in Australia : records of individuals', D.W. Thorpe in association with Australian Science Archives Project & National Centre for Australian Studies, Port Melbourne, Vic., pp. 291