Reason in Revolt: Source Documents of Australian Radicalism

10 Day Greenhouse Action
10 Day Greenhouse Action: For Economic Justice & a Healthy
Environment/ North West Flemington Road Transport, Rainbow
Alliance, Melbourne, September


Reason in Revolt is an expanding record of the movements, institutions, venues and publications through which radicals sought to influence Australian society. ‘Radicals’ here are those whose initiatives aimed at making society more equal, and to emancipate the exploited and oppressed. The project was established with funding from an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant and has also received funding from a Roger Coates Labour History Research Grant.


The University of Melbourne:

Professor Verity Burgmann
Professor Stuart Macintyre
Faculty of Arts, School of Social and Political SciencesThe University of Melbourne

Monash University:

Professor Emeritus Andrew Milner (2013)
Faculty of Arts
Monash University


January 2005