Find & Connect web resource

Find and Connect


The Find & Connect web resource is designed as an information portal for: people who spent time in out-of-home-'care' as children in the 1920s-1980s (Forgotten Australians, Former Child Migrants, and Stolen Generations); the support services assisting these communities; and everyone with an interest in the history of child welfare  in Australia.

This project came into being as a result of the work on the Who Am I? project (WAMI) which was a collaboration between social workers, archivists, and historians at the University of Melbourne; who consulted closely with community groups and individuals affected by out-of-home 'care'. This collaboration led to Pathways, a Victorian web resource designed to assist care leavers to find their records and find out about the historical context in which they grew up.

Out of two Senate Inquiries (2004 and 2009), a National Apology from the Australian Government (November 2009), and subsequent funding to FaHCSIA (now DSS) to support Forgotten Australians came the impetus and support to extend Pathways into a National web resource  as part of the federal government's Find and Connect Services.


This project is funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS) and was previously funded by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).

Academic partners include Professor Cathy Humphreys (Social Work, the University of Melbourne) and Professor Shurlee Swain (History, Australian Catholic University).


August 2011