Posts Tagged ‘Milan’

Milan: Phone masts burned in solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested in Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Friday, February 10th, 2017

“January 26th. Milano hinterland. Two phone masts burned, one in Paderno Dugnano and the other one in Bollate. Attack the Power now, and its increasingly widespread technological and telecommunicational control. Active solidarity with the anarchists in slammer for Op. Scripta Manent.”

Via CNA Italia, Anarhija.info

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Cross-border raids for Milan NoExpo Mayday riots (Italy, Greece)

Friday, November 13th, 2015

Via Insurrection News.

12.11.15: Police in Italy and Greece launched a repressive operation at dawn this morning against activists who participated in the #NoExpo May Day 2015 mobilizations in Milan.

10 comrades have been detained – 5 in Italy (all in Milan) and 5 in Greece on charges of ‘destruction and looting’, aggravated resisting of the police and misrepresentation.

5 other comrades who are still at large are under investigation for the same charges – 3 in Milan, one in Como and one in Greece.

The detained comrades all had DNA samples taken from them.

More news as it comes.

UPDATE: One woman activist who was arrested in Milan has been released pending further investigation.

(via Radio Onda D’urto)

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Milan: Black Bloc Mayday riots against 'Expo 2015' (Italy)

Monday, May 4th, 2015


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May 1, 2015: 'From Milan, capital of the crisis, to Europe' (Italy)

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015


After seven years of crisis the precarious pride has become rage and indignation against the burgeoning unemployment and the growth of poverty imposed by BCE & IMF to most of the population with austerity policies, particularly in Italy, Greece and the rest of the Latin Europe. Social slaughter, plunder of wealth and common goods, the end of the public city are the bases upon which governments build their response to the economic crisis.

The whole urban environment is the heart of many overwhelming social tensions. It is dominated by profit-based logics, soil consumption, the speculative spiral and the showcase city formula, in which the territorial branding is everything and inhabitants needs count as nothing, which leads to environmental exploitation, militarization of life, as we see in Val Susa, attack against our city back streets.

Italy deeply suffers precariousness, exploitation, repression. Corresponds to our need of places for political activism and criticism their evacuation and closure. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Recent attacks and sabotage (Italy)

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Latest direct actions in Italy:

12 November, Milano: anonymous claim: “On Wednesday night, November 12th, we attacked 5 ATMs with hammer and vandalized several luxury cars (punctured tires and broken windows), as a minimum gesture of individual revolt against a capitalist system that exploits and devastates.

We dedicate this action to the compagni and the compagna accused of attacking the TAV construction yard in May 2013 as well as to all anarchist prisoners. We cannot stand idly by while our comrades are buried under years of imprisonment, or limit ourselves to symbolic acts that do not cause any nuisance.
The only solidarity is attack!”

15 November, Venezia: according to the media, the justice palace was vandalized with paint and spraypaint against the TAV: “Free the no tav prisoners”.

17 November, Napoli: according to the media, an explosive device containing 1 kilo of black powder was found unexploded in front of a Deutsche Bank in the neighborhood of Vomero. Until now no-one claimed the action.

18 November, Cremona: according to the media, a PD (=Democratic Party) office was vandalized in Cremona, with a smashed window, damage to the videosurveillance cameras and spray-paints like: “Stop evictions”, “PD=Police”, “Corvetto resists” and “Free the no tav prisoners”.

18 November, Milano: according to the media, during the night an ALER office in via Inganni was set on fire. This happened a few hours after the eviction of two anarchist squats and other houses and the resistance to it. A window was smashed and a molotov cocktail thrown inside, with heavy damages to furniture, computers, papers and other material (picture: http://www.informa-azione.info/files/0milanoaler.jpg) .
ALER is the company responsible for the recent plan of evicting hundreds of occupied houses, for the business of the thousands of houses left vacant, for property speculations on housing projects in Milano.

Unknown date, Viterbo: anonymous claim: “An animal liberation activist once wrote that in the last twenty years the number of vegetarians and vegans has increased dramatically, but the number of activists has remained the same. This made us think and we decided to bring animal liberation back to its true meaning: to free animals. One November night we visited a small farm in Orte (Province of Viterbo); we opened the doors of the cages that imprisoned ten rabbits, giving them freedom. We then opened the henhouse and carried away with us about 10 turkeys and other birds. We dedicate this action to those who are truly active, in the way and form they prefer, and not on social networks!”

20 November, Milano: anonymous claim: “20th of november is the day of remembrance for the people killed for being trans. This year the registered deaths in the world are 226. We decided to attack a catholic church because it is a symbol of the anti-trans oppression. The violence experienced by trans people is the consequence of their moral and anti-gender rules. In the night of 20/11 we attacked the church of San Paolo in via vismara 2. We glued the locks of several doors, we threw pink paint on the facade and spraypainted: “20/11 NIGHT OF TRANS REVENGE” on the front door. LET’S ATTACK THE CHURCHES! REVENGE AND NOT ONLY REMEMBRANCE!”

22 November, Trento: according to the media, the local office of PD party was painted and some writings were left like: “Freedom for the arrested in Valsusa”, “No PD – Corvetto resists”, “NO TAV – no evictions”. The traffic was blocked and a banner against high speed was hanged. Some days before, on the 19th, an high speed train was blocked in the train station in solidarity with the No Tav resistance; the sides were spraypainted with slogans dedicated to Rémi Fraisse and for the freedom of arrested comrades.

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About the recent events in Milan (Italy)

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Resistance in Milan
A report of rebellion, resistance and riot in Milan.

Milano, Italy. November 2014.

Thursday 14th N:
Eviction of two families from popular neighbourhood in suburb “Mecenate”.

Activists/comrades and non-activists of the neighbourhood show solidarity immediately, started clashes with police to resist. The eviction has gone to bad, but people started to block the streets. A meeting was held in the afternoon to organize people.

17th & 18th N:

Riots are back in the town! Violent clashes erupted in 2 different popular suburbs ‪”Giambellino”‬ and “Corvetto”‬ against eviction and police militarization (and by
Carabinieri too).

On Monday, in Giambellino eviction of 2 families from flats. Many people has joined the barricades from the popular houses of the area: barricades, clashes, teargas (head height), cops and people injured, cops run to beat people too! (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

NO TAV: Sabotage in Milan (Italy)

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Translated from finimondo.org:

25th March, Milan: four sentry boxes containing the electric control units of the Lambrate-Rogoreto line were set on fire in the night. One got completely burnt causing huge disruptions on the Milan-Genoa and Milan-Bologna lines.

NO TAV graffiti was left in the surrounding area, including one in memory of Sole and Baleno (‘Sole and Baleno are still alive’). Early estimates assess the damage at one-million euro and dozens of electric cables to be replaced. It is rumoured that it will take weeks before the line is completely restored. When they say ‘the breaking-off of normality…’

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Communique in solidarity with Mattia and Fede, Milan (Italy)

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

During the night between 14 and 15 June, two anarchist comrades were arrested in Milan, at Lambrate train station, accused of possession of explosive material. They are presently being held in the prison of San Vittore.

The two were in the station but they fled the view of some officials, attracting the attention of police who were then stopped them. Checks determined the two were undocumented and already known to police for numerous precedents. One of them was believed by the cops as belonging to the eco-anarchist scene and the police have ordered a search of his apartment, which has led them to discover “pyrotechnic” and “arsonist” material, all homemade, a fuel tank, ski mask and wig.

From informa-azione:

16/06/2011 – we receive and impart:


“The bicycle is a vehicle of human muscular propulsion, consisting of a frame on which are placed two aligned wheels, one behind and the other in front, and equipped with a mechanical system for transmitting power to the drive wheel”

Who knows what other power our two comrades had in their bodies, who on the night of June 15 and 14 were arrested in Milan in the Lambrate area. (more…)

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Arrests in Milan and Verona (Italy)

Friday, December 4th, 2009


Five comrades were arrested in Milan on November 14 2009 and accused of robbery and of perpetrating violence . The episode had occurred when the comrades had refused to pay for some photocopies in the CUSL bookshop, the site of Comunione e Liberazione (CL) inside the Statale University in Milan. At the moment four of the comrades are under house arrest and one is being held in San Vittore prison. (more…)

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