Posts Tagged ‘International Week for Anarchist Prisoners’

Round-up – International Week for Anarchist Prisoners

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

Here’s a list of reported events so far that happened for the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners, reports from various counter-info sites via solidarity.international. Freedom to all the imprisoned comrades, and good luck to all those with warrants and investigations!

Multiform combat against global tyranny, irreducibility to the advance of state terrorism [Portugal]

Graffiti in Kazan, Russia

Graffiti in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Three actions of solidarity in Moscow, Russia

Solidarity action in Saratov, Russia

Solidarity event in Zlin, Czech

Graffiti in support of Anarchists Prisoners in Tomsk, Russia

Solidarity event in Brno, Czech

Solidarity from Austrian Alps

Solidarity Action in Vienna

Solidarity Action for Prisoners in Turkey and Worldwide

Letter writing event in Murmansk, Russia

Day of solidarity with anarchist prisoners in Minsk

Solidarity street art with anarchist prisoners. Khabarovsk, Russia

Benefit cocktails in Prague

Letter writing evening in Irkutsk, Russia

Graffiti-raid solidarity with Russian anarchist prisoners. Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Solidarity action for prisoners in Graz and worldwide

Radiofragmata on the international solidarity week for anarchist prisoners

Proposal to create an International Anarchist Defence Fund

Solidarity action in Vienna

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‘On the international solidarity week for anarchist prisoners, August, 23rd—30th’ by Radio Fragmata (Greece)

Friday, August 25th, 2017

On the international solidarity week for anarchist prisoners, August, 23rd—30th

It’s been years now that the various state agencies of repression order the conduct of investigation under the sole criterion the suspects’ political status. This is the status of the anarchist, mainly of the one who turns his/her ideas into actions, of the one that arms his/her desires and attacks state authority. So each investigation has to do with the possible prosecution of comrades according to the laws of their “democracy.” Police prosecution that starts off with texts and extends to all possible actions is not new amongst the anarchist circles. On the contrary, there is a past record on relative prosecutions in countries such as Italy, Chile etc. where there is a strong comrade presence promoting direct action and intervention.

The common goal of contemporary international police is the prevention of anarchist propaganda, anarchist action and the spreading of our ideas. For this reason, in many cases they don’t even hesitate to put aside the refined mask of “democracy” that supposedly allows “freedom of speech and ideas.” And thus, any illusion that anyone may still hold is dissolved. Things are now clear: “anarchist action or speech is either illegal or nothing at all!” The new form of repression is currently being practiced upon many of our prisoners that find themselves under illegal restrain with accusations based on their political identity and having taken up the political responsibility for their actions as well as their organizations’. It is certain that in the future this strategy of preventive repression, of persecutions with the maximum of penalties, the fast track trials as well as the effort for isolation and silence, will be implemented everywhere, or at least it will be attempted to— apart from our prisoners, it will try to reach anarchist hangouts and self-organized places that defend and propagate the anarchist values. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Call out – International Week of Solidarity to Anarchist Prisoners, August 23-30 – 2017

Friday, July 21st, 2017

International solidarity week for anarchist prisoners

This year, the International solidarity week for anarchist prisoners will be spent for the fifth time in 23rd to 30th August and we come stronger than ever!

Some political prisoners are already supported, but far from all of them. Also, the supported are usually involved in authoritarian politics and not grassroots activities. Anarchist prisoners are not often well-known people, even though they might be long term activists. Their ways to fight back oppressors and wrongdoings are not necessarily following the current laws of their location, which is judged by some authoritarian organisations. The vast amount and diversity of cases of anarchist prisoners is surprising to many.

We wanted to choose a week, so that it would be easy as possible to organise different kinds of expressions of solidarity, which would be supported by one another. The beginning of the week was chosen to be the execution date of Sacco and Vanzetti, two Italian-American anarchists, in 1927. They were convicted with very little amount of evidence, and many still consider that they were punished from their anarchist views.

Welcome to join!
Solidarity can express itself in many forms.

Please report us your done actions to the address tillallarefree@riseup.net. You can also announce your event in advance in the same address, we list them on our page http://solidarity.international/. From the pages you can also find examples and tips of actions and support mail to anarchists, links to prisoner lists and more.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Bristol: Vandalism of various prison workers property by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF (UK)

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

This is dedicated to all the very young ones, youths with no direction yet, the kids that punch out at everything. Those that hate being told what to do and hate authority, who’ve fell foul of the law, who don’t even consider anarchy. Rebels without a cause. A prison gate is a border, it is a part of the class system, crime, scarcity and resource war. They need people to control and use in private prison labour. The prisons are exploding.

HMP Bristol, Horfield – 2 cars of screws are scratched up and tyres punctured, one a black sportscar – P6 SHT.

Horfield, Bristol – 12 Oak Road, house of screw has ‘bars’ sprayed on the windows and “screw” scrawled on the house in spraypaint.

Done in the International Week of Solidarity to Anarchist Prisoners, 23-30 August.
Solidarity to the anarchists in Italy arrested in Operation Scripta Manent and to all those in the prison uprising in America, 9 September.

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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Posted in Direct Action

A-Radio: Interview on the repression against anarchists – Operation Fenix (Czech Republic)

Thursday, September 8th, 2016

Interesting interview about the Operation Fenix which gives a round-up and highlights civil anarchist positions within the anarchist movement in Czech Republic.

In the context of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23.-30th of August 2016), we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Czech Republic. The interview gives a short summary of the repression that started in 2015 and explains the singular cases and their current development, but deals also with the problems the movement had in the beginning to show www.topphentermineonline.com solidarity. Last but not least, you get very good advice on the topic of solidarity and what to do yourselves.

Since the interview, another comrade is in prison. Lukáš Borl, who had been living underground, has been arrested by the police on September 4.

More information (in different languages) on the Antifenix website.

Length: 22:30 min


If you want to write the two imprisoned comrades, please use these addresses:

Lukáš Borl

Vazební veznice Litomerice
Veitova 1
412 81 Litomerice
Czech Republic

Martin Ignacák
V.V. Praha – Pankrác
P.O.BOX – 5
Praha 4
140 57
Czech Republic

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Posted in Interviews

Kraków: Banner in solidarity with the Warsaw Anarchist 3 (Poland)

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016


In the second half of August 2016 we hung a banner in solidarity with Tadek, Oskar and Michał – the Warsaw 3 anarchists arrested on suspicion of trying to set fire to a police car. This was a minimum gesture as part of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners.

The democratic regime holds them in isolation within the prison, treating them as dangerous criminals, trying to break their souls and destroy their will to resist. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Karditsa: Action for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Greece)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

Photo above -“Freedom for anarchists all over the planet”.
More pics on Contra-info.

Some days ago, we spray-painted slogans in the centre of Karditsa and blocked ATMs in response to the international call for a week of actions in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists.

We don’t forget our imprisoned sisters and brothers throughout the world!
No imprisoned anarchist left alone!
The passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons!
Strength to fugitive comrades!


(September 2nd 2016)

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Posted in Direct Action

“Sacco and Vanzetti: A journey through time” – Text by Members of CCF for Bibloteca Kaos during the International Week of Solidarity for Anarchist Prisoners (Brazil)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

Here is a text that several imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Athens, Greece, wrote for an event at the squatted anarchist centre Bibloteca Kaos in Brazil.

To all comrades, to all our anarchist brothers and sisters who are present in this event organized by the anarchist library Kaos. Let our thoughts break out and travel to Brazil so as to send these few words with the hope that maybe a little, you can feel our presence beside you.

In response to the subject of the event taking place during the International Week of Solidarity to Anarchist Prisoners and on the case of Nicola Sacco and Bartholemeo Vanzetti we would like to throw in our personal and historical contribution. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire was from the very beginning an anarchist group of direct action that aspired to an upsurge of the anarchist aggressive presence in Greece. Thus, the CCF did not hesitate to often criticize that which was believed to be preventing the generalization of this intensification. But when the oppression finally made it to our doorstep, we fully understood that we would not own up to our standards should we refuse to defend our identity, our political viewpoints and our very substance. Furthermore we could have ended up being in complete contrast with our critiques against others in the past. So seven years after the day that repression struck us, we remain at the forefront of anarchist dignity, at least so as we perceive it. We refused to dishonor ourselves in any way and defended what we believed we had to defend, still paying the price of our uncompromising attitude. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

On the solidarity week for anarchist prisoners – Radio Fragmata (Greece)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

It’s been years now that the various state agencies of repression order the conduct of investigation under the sole criterion the suspects’ political status. This is the status of the anarchist, mainly of the one who turns his/her ideas into actions, of the one that arms his/her desires and attacks state authority. So each investigation has to do with the possible prosecution of comrades according to the laws of their “democracy.”

Police prosecution that starts off with texts and extends to all possible actions is not new amongst the anarchist circles. On the contrary, there is a past record on relative prosecutions in countries such as Italy, Chile etc. where there is a strong comrade presence promoting direct action and intervention. The common goal of contemporary international police is the prevention of anarchist propaganda, anarchist action and the spreading of our ideas. For this reason, in many cases they don’t even hesitate to put aside the refined mask of “democracy” that supposedly allows “freedom of speech and ideas.” And thus, any illusion that anyone may still hold is withdrawn. Things are now clear: “anarchist action or speech is either illegal or nothing at all!” The new form of repression is currently being practiced upon many of our prisoners that find themselves under illegal restraint with accusations based on their political identity and having taken up the political responsibility for their actions as well as their organizations’. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Painted slogans in Melbourne for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Australia)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Via InsurrectionNews:

Slogans painted around inner-city Narrm / Melbourne, so-called ‘Australia’ as a minimum contribution to the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (August 23-30).

Victory to the anarchist fighters!
Solidarity with all combative anarchist prisoners!
Destroy the prison society!

Pictures here

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity actions by Initiative of individuals from ‘Ochetos’ for the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners (Greece)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Contribution to the international call for solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist comrades (August 23-30)

As a contribution to the international call for solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist comrades (August 23-30), and as a denotation of support to the recently arrested and imprisoned comrades K. Sakkas and M. Seisidis, we hung 2 banners and wrote slogans in Athens, and we hung a banner in Volos.

”There are people unknown to you that watch you from the shadows, while you haunt the anarchists, and they wait for the favorable moment to haunt the haunters on their turn.”


Initiative of individuals from ‘Ochetos’

Pictures here

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Posted in Prison Struggle

23-30 Αυγούστου: Διεθνής εβδομάδα αλληλεγγύης στα έγκλειστα αναρχικά συντρόφια

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

Η διεθνής εβδομάδα αλληλεγγύης αποτελεί ένα κάλεσμα σε στήριξη των έγκλειστων αναρχικών που έχουν απαχθεί από τα κράτη σε τόσα μέρη ανά τον κόσμο και που δεν λυγίζουν απέναντι στην επιβαλλόμενη αιχμαλωσία.

Να φωτιστούν οι ήσυχες νύχτες και η αλληλεγγύη στ’ αδέρφια μας να γίνει πράξη με επιθέσεις, σαμποτάζ, καταστροφές ή πυρπολήσεις όλων όσων μας ελέγχουν, μας δασκαλεύουν, μας δαμάζουν και μας υποτάσσουν ή όσων αποζητούν να είμαστε απλοί θεατές ενός παρόντος εξαθλίωσης.

Γιατί μπροστά στον εγκλεισμό των ανταρτών δεν χωράει παραίτηση καμιά, παρά μονάχα η άσβεστη επιθυμία να δούμε αυτόν τον κόσμο να φλέγεται.

Φωτιά στις φυλακές και στους δεσμοφυλάκους.
Θάνατο στο κράτος και ζήτω η αναρχία.


Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarşist Tutsaklarla Uluslararası Dayanışma Haftası

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

Anarşist Tutsaklarla Uluslararası Dayanışma Haftası

Ağustos 23-30

Uluslararası dayanışma haftası dünyanın bir çok yerinde devlet tarafından hapsedilmiş anarşistlerle dayanışma göstermek için var.

Sessiz geceleri alevlerin ışığıyla aydınlatalım ve bizi kontrol eden, beyimizi yıkayan , bizi güden, bizi pasiflikle aldatan her şeye saldırı, yıkıcı sabotaj ve yakma pratiklerimizi biçimlendirerek yoldaşlarımızla dayanışma gösterelim.

Tutsaklıkla yüzleştiğimizde boyun eğmek yok. Sadece bu dünyayı yanarken görme tutkumuz için.

Hapishanelere Ateş!

Yaşasın Anarşi!

ABC Istanbul

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Posted in Prison Struggle

23/30 de Agosto; Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con presxs Anarquistas

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

23/30 de Agosto; Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con presxs Anarquistas

La semana internacional de solidaridad es un llamado a solidarizar con lxs presxs anarquistas secuestrados por los estados en tantos lugares del mundo y que no se doblegan ante el cautiverio impuesto.

Que se iluminen las tranquilas noches y que la solidaridad con nuestrxs hermanxs se haga praxis atacando, saboteando, destruyendo o incendiando todo aquello que nos controla, que nos adoctrina, que nos amansa y que nos hace súbditxs o que pretende que seamos merxs espectadores de un presente de miseria.

Porque ante el encierro de lxs rebeldes no cabe la resignación sino el deseo inquebrantable de ver este mundo arder.

Fuego a las cárceles y a lxs carcelerxs.
Muerte al estado y viva la anarquía.

CNA Mexico

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Bristol: Vandalism of four car-transporters (UK)

Friday, August 12th, 2016

In the early hours of 6th August at Easton-in-Gordano Services, whilst the truck drivers were inactive in their cabs, 10-15 cars on four car-transporters were spray-painted causing their greedy earth-destroying companies loss of time and money infinitely larger than that we expended doing this opportunist crime.

Solidarity to all the imprisoned comrades and those on the run. Towards the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners – 23rd-30th August.

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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