Posts Tagged ‘Andreas Krebs’

Urgent Call for Solidarity: Our Friend Andreas Krebs is Dying (Italy, Germany)

Friday, July 3rd, 2020

Our friend Andreas is dying… (July 2, 2020)

… and everyone is watching. What has been happening to Andreas in jail in Naples for at least a year is a result that both the German and the Italian state are responsible for. In spite of his poor health, Andreas is denied adequate medical care despite promises to the contrary by the hospital management. He is brought to a hospital every hour for questionable or senseless examinations and then back to prison.

Andreas was diagnosed with cancer at least a year ago, it spread all over his body and he had unspeakable pain. He can hardly walk anymore, just eat more baby food, he loses blood and is often unconscious for days. His Italian lawyer is fighting at all levels, but transfer to house arrest has now been refused.

Andreas is doing very badly, suicide seems to be the only way out for him in the current situation.

Both the Italian and the German state know Andreas’ state of health. Nobody lifts a finger, fundamental human rights do not seem to apply to prisoners. What happens here is murder. And every suicide in jail is nothing else, because behind bars there are no free decisions.

We cannot stand by, although we are infinitely sad and angry and have no ideas what to do.

Confront the German and Italian authorities with their inactivity, call the Federal Foreign Office, Boschaft and the consulate.

Down with all prisons! Down with all states!

ABC Vienna, July 2nd, 2020


The address to write to him:

Andreas Krebs
Sez.4 /Stz.5
Via Roma Verso Scampia 250
CAP 80144 Napoli (NA)

He has to pay for the urgently needed medication and reasonably usable food himself. If you want to donate money:

Receiver Krebs IBAN: DE 90 1005 0000 1067 1474 26
Purpose: Donation / Andreas Krebs

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity with Andreas Krebs (Italy)

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019

There is also an German and Italian version of this text!

– A Summary (Situation July 2019)

Our friend and companion Andreas is currently imprisoned in Naples (Italy). Since his imprisonment in Germany Andreas has been known as a rebellious prisoner. In April 2019 he was sentenced in Italy to 24 years in jail. In addition, Andreas has recently been diagnosed with kidney cancer. His health is deteriorating and we fear for his life. Actually, he should undergo surgery months ago, but the Italian authorities refuse to transfer him to a hospital.

Andreas was in the clutches of the German judicial machinery for years and he was in jail for a total of 16 years. He is a rebellious prisoner, participated in building the prisoners’ union (GGBO) behind bars, he went on hunger strike several times against the prison conditions and also participated in a solidarity hunger strike for the prisoners in Greece. To date he repeatedly publishes texts against the prison society, in which he describes everyday life in captivity. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Libertà per Andreas Krebs (Germania, Italia)

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

(Trovato in tedesco: rigaer94.squat.net, Berlin)

Era tre anni fa che Andreas arriva a Rigaer 94. Era segnato della situazione carceria lunga durata e non trova solo un rifugio nella nostra casa ma anche i nuovi amici. Abbiamo vissuti le prime passaggi di Andreas fuori del prigione da vicino.

Non lo vogliamo chiamare libertà. Se hai visto mai come la prigionia annosa concia l‘individuo, causa la paura profonda delle connessione sociale, produce anche una paura della così chiamato „libertà“, non poui negare che „la libertà“ sarà un termine relativo; ancora di più sarà relativo nella conoscenza che la società fa tutto per rimuovere il significato della parola „liberà“.

Era bello di vedere come Andreas riesce recuperare la sua libertà pezzo per pezzo.
Prossimamente ha cambiato casa e ha cominciato con la sua amica di prendere la vità nelle proprie mani. Poco dopo erano attratto dal`Italia Sud, là dove l‘Europa non esiste.

Al momento che tutti i soldi sono stati lì, Andreas ha mantenuto la promessa di allontanarsi della società tedesca, che non era mai la sua casa. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Interview mit Andreas Krebs (Germany)

Monday, December 1st, 2014

Weil es uns und Andreas ein großes Bedürfnis ist, allen Interessierten
über die letzten Ereignisse im Knast und die ersten Eindrücke von der
neu gewonnenen Freiheit von Andreas Krebs zu berichten, hier ein
kleines Interview mit ihm. Andreas Krebs ist nach 16 Jahren Knast nun
etwa 4 Wochen draußen. Das Interview wurde 2 Wochen nach seiner
Entlassung geführt. (more…)

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Resoconto sugli scioperi della fame svoltisi in Germania e Svizzera a sostegno dei prigionieri Greci, dal 18 al 20 luglio 2014

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Vi hanno partecipato complessivamente sette detenuti: Ahmet Duezguen Yueksel, Andreas Krebs, Oliver Rast, R., Sadi Özpolat, Thomas Meyer­Falk e Marco Camenisch in Svizzera.

Ahmet Duezguen Yueksel

In Turchia esercita la professione di avvocato e, dato che lavora a favore dei prigionieri politici, ha dovuto lasciare il paese ed è stato arrestato in Germania nel 2007 in base all’art. 129b. E’ stato processato, condannato e incarcerato nella prigione di Stoccarda-Stammheim. Dopo aver scontato la pena è stato sottoposto a restrizioni rispetto alla residenza, ad esempio gli è stato concesso di stare solo in certe zone. Non ha rispettato quest’obbligo ed è stato arrestato in Grecia ed estradato in Germania nel maggio di quest’anno. Lì attende di essere estradato in Turchia. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Report on the solidarity hunger-strikes for the Greek prisoners (Germany & Switzerland)

Saturday, July 26th, 2014

The hunger-strike took place 18-20 July 2014. The participants were a total of seven prisoners: Ahmet Düzgün Yüskel, Andreas Krebs, Oliver Rast, R., Sadi Özpolat, Thomas Meyer-Falk in Germany, and Marco Camenisch from Switzerland.

Ahmet Yüksel Düzgün

Because of his work as a lawyer for political prisoners in Turkey, he had to leave the country and was arrested in Germany in 2007 because of § 129b [terrorist association]. He was imprisoned in Stuttgart-Stammheim and was also on trial and sentenced there in the process bunker. After his imprisonment he was subjected to the residence rule, e.g. he was allowed to remain in a certain district only. He disregarded this rule and was arrested in Greece and delivered to Germany in May this year. There he faces the extradition to Turkey.

About the strike he wrote: “I was able to do my solidarity hunger strike without any problems.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle