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What We Do Now

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Short, powerful essays on what we can do now to cope with Trump’s election, and how, moving forward, we can protect our values, our politics, and our country.


  • Cornell William Brookspresident and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
  • Michael Bruneexecutive director of the Sierra Club
  • Rea Careyexecutive director of the National LGBTQ Task Force
  • David Colenational legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
  • Dave Eggersauthor and publisher, McSweeney’s
  • Ilyse Hoguepresident of NARAL Pro-Choice America
  • Cristina Jimenezco-founder and managing director of United We Dream
  • M. Dove Kentexecutive director of Jews For Racial & Economic Justice
  • Mara Keislingfounder and executive director of National Center for Transgender Equality 
  • Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaumspiritual leader of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
  • Paul KrugmanNobel Prize-winning economist and columnist for The New York Times
  • George Lakoffcognitive linguist
  • Allan LichtmanAmerican political historian, American University
  • John R. MacArthurpublisher of Harper’s Magazine
  • Bill McKibbenenvironmentalist, co-founder and senior advisor of 350.org
  • Ilhan OmarMember of the Minnesota House of Representatives and the first Somali-American legislator
  • Brittany Packnettco-founder of Campaign Zero and vice president of national community alliances for Teach for America
  • Robert B. Reichserved in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton 
  • Anthony Romeroexecutive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
  • Bernie SandersUnited States Senator from Vermont
  • George Saundersauthor
  • Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab American Association of New York
  • Gloria Steinemfeminist
  • Trevor Timmco-founder and executive director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation
  • Nato Thompsonart activist and artistic director of Creative Time
  • Katrina vanden Heuvelpublisher of The Nation
  • Elizabeth WarrenUnited States Senator from Massachusetts




A full view with the back cover, spine, and front cover.



DENNIS JOHNSON and VALERIE MERIANS are the co-founders of Melville House.
