Hans Fallada Resistance Tote Bag

Black tote bag that doubles as a reminder of the First Rule of the Resistance: FIGHT BACK. On the front is a quote from Hans Fallada’s singular novel of the struggle against Nazism, Every Man Dies Alone; on the back, the Melville House logo. The slightly-longer-than-usual black cotton strap makes it easy to carry this on your shoulder.

Some of the things you can carry in this bag:

  • A generous helping of anti-Trump literature
  • Approximately thirty-two Trump Steaks® to be taken onto a boat and thrown overboard
  • Water bottles and sandwiches, to share with your fellow protesters
  • Ahem, redacted documents
  • Seeds, lots of seeds
  • 216 copies of the US Constitution
  • Two small therapy dogs, or a larger number of therapy hamsters
  • A literally infinite quantity of human decency
  • Y’know, hairspray
  • A howler monkey, if well-behaved
  • The existential absence of certain Twitter accounts
  • A bullshit detector (batteries sold separately)
  • 64 horrendous orange toupees
  • Books by Hans Fallada, obviously
