Privacy Policy - Disclaimer

Treaty Republic is currently rebuilding a new site to eliminate the technical errors the site has been experiencing in the past. The new site will include baked in support for all of the latest technologies. This is a slow process as we are reviewing each page for errors and consistency.

Although all information is presented as accurately as possible, with our limited resources we cannot guarantee accuracy of all the stories published. If any content breaches any copyrights that you may think are not within the boundaries of fair play and/or in good faith, please contact sub-editor Bruce Skewes through the Contact link for your request or advice to be reviewed.

Any feedback, comments, news items, updates or error reports would be most welcome.

This work is copyright © Treaty Republic (except where indicated otherwise). Permission is given for any fair dealing with all material, including for the purposes of private study and research. Requests or inquiries concerning reproduction rights of exclusive articles should be directed to the Sub-Editor through our Contact form. For all information linked to or published from other sources - you must contact the original source for details.

Website Disclaimer
Re-published articles and references to other sites are provided as an information service only and should not be construed as an endorsement of any writer, organisation or product. Conversely, omissions should not be construed as non-endorsement. Although care has been taken to provide relevant articles and links to suitable material from this site, no guarantee can be given about the suitability, completeness or accuracy of any of the material that this site may be linked to or other material on the Internet. We can not accept any responsibility for the content of material that may be encountered

General disclaimer
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness, no guarantee is given nor responsibility taken by Robby Thorpe or Bruce Skewes for errors or omissions on this site material and we do not accept responsibility in respect of any information or advice given in relation to or as a consequent of anything contained herein.

Proprietary product disclaimer
References to various organisation's, including commercial organisations and/or particular products on this site is included for the information of the reader only and should not in any way be construed as an endorsement of any organisation or product by 'Treaty Republic'. Conversely, the fact that a particular organisation or product is not mentioned in this publication should not be taken as any indication of our opinion of that organisation or product.

Privacy Policy - Site visit data
The site records the site visits and logs the following information for statistical purposes:
user's server address
user's operating system
user's top level domain names, for example .com, .gov, .au, .uk, etc.
date and time of the visit to the site
pages accessed, documents downloaded and referrers
type of browser used.
and some other statistics

No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except in the event of an investigation where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the service provider's logs.

Email management and the collection of personal information
The Content Management System (CMS) will automatically record e-mail addresses of individuals that 'Register'. The email addresses will be used only for the purpose that they have been provided for and will not be disclosed to a third party without the consent of the addressee.

Forms and the collection of personal information
Any personal information collected through the use of an online form will only be collected using lawful and by fair means, used for a lawful purpose, be collected with your consent, and the collection purposes will be clear and explicit. Collected information from forms will not be disclosed to a third party without the consent of the person who has submitted the form. Non disclosure is by default.

Domain Registrations,,

Treaty Republic Administration
Director: Robbie Thorpe
Secretary - Treasurer: Clare Land
Site Administrator and Sub-Editor: Bruce Skewes

Registered Users:
All visitors to this site are welcome to Register and share information, discuss associated issues. As a registered user you can also add details of your upcoming Australian Indigenous events to the Events Calendar (When available). No-one, including Treaty Republic website administrators, has access to Registered Users passwords.

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