Black GST - Video

The Black GST from Verb Studios on Vimeo.

The Black GST

This short documentary about contemporary and historical indigenous issues was created in the lead up to the protest at Camp Sovereignty during the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Australia. It is narrated by two of the leaders of the Black GST movement, Robbie and Marg Thorpe and explores the three main issues of unfinished business leftover from Australia's reconciliation movement.

G - Genocide
S - Sovereignty
T - Treaty

Shot and edited by Tim Parish and Krusty, the guerilla news style documentary is intended as a historical primer for people interested in the issues of Aboriginal rights in the lead up to the Stolenwealth Games in Melbourne 2006.

"We did not consent to the taking of our land ... Our sovereign rights as a people remain intact". - Michael Mansell

The Black GST campaign was launched in Melbourne in early 2005, aiming to get Indigenous rights back on the agenda through calling political attention to the issues of genocide ('G'), sovereignty ('S') and treaty ('T').

The Black GST contends that these fundamental legal issues must be resolved for the holistic wellbeing of Indigenous peoples to finally be achieved, and for Australia more broadly to gain honour as a nation. Once genocide is stopped, sovereignty recognised and treaties made, Indigenous and non-Indigenous people will have finally put Australia's 'unfinished business' behind them.

Relevant Link: Camp Sovereignty Website

See also: Robbie Thorpe - Black GST (Video)
A live spoken work piece by Black GST Elder, Robbie Thorpe at the Elevlyn Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, January, 2006