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france / belgique / luxembourg / anti-fascisme Monday November 21, 2016 17:17 by Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes - Lyon
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La résistance de nos camarades a empêché les fascistes de pénétrer physiquement dans le local, mais n’a pu éviter les dégâts matériels que sont la destruction de la totalité des vitres et d’une partie du volet. Plusieurs personnes ont également subi des blessures légères durant cette agression qui a duré de longues minutes, notamment à cause de projectiles (pierres, outils métalliques, bouteilles en verre) lancés par les fascistes. Lors de leur arrivée puis de leur départ, les fascistes ont hurlé « on est chez nous », « la France au Français » et « morts aux juifs », comme signe de ralliement et de dispersion.
Cette attaque odieuse n’est pas un fait isolé. Près de 20 ans après l’incendie du précédent local de la Plume Noire par l’extrême-droite en 1997, elle s’inscrit dans la montée en puissance actuelle de l’extrême-droite et du fascisme, qui se traduit par une multiplication des agressions contre les minorités, des militantes et militants du mouvement syndical, féministe, antiraciste, LGBT et progressiste.

[English] [Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] [Nederlands]

north america / mexico / miscellaneous Wednesday November 16, 2016 01:27 by Black Rose Anarchist Federation/Federación Anarquista Rosa N
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A strategy to defend our communities and to challenge Trump begins with us, the exploited workers. Together we hold the solution to Trump and to the bigger problems of capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy. Some sections of the ruling classes may share our desire to get rid of Trump, but only so that they can put another capitalist in the White House and then have us go through this cycle of crisis all over again. While we may end up marching with these people in the streets for the next four years, we know that our allies are those who also work to build the independent power of the exploited classes, not those who want us to pin our hopes on political candidates.
We must push for greater unity of working-class social movements. We need to reach out to others who are doing organizing in our areas and talk to them about working together. We should push for social movement organizations that we are part of – like labor unions, Black Lives Matter chapters, immigrant rights organizations – to organize city-wide summits to plan how to support each other and how to coordinate opposition to Trump. Between now and January 20th, we should organize as much national discussion and coordination between social movements and revolutionary organizations as possible. We should plan for mass protests on Trump’s inauguration day, and we should see these protests as organizing tools to continue building unity and to draw people into the day-to-day organizing in our communities where we will really be building the long-term power that we need to be a threat to the state.

Also read
  • Trumpazo al establecimiento en EEUU: la lucha de clases y el magnate excéntrico José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
  • Trump’s victory speaks to a crumbling liberal order Jerome Roos
  • Μερικές σκέψεις για τη νίκη Τραμπ Martin Smith και Tash Shifrin
  • north america / mexico / indigenous struggles Friday November 04, 2016 15:04 by Wayne Price
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    The Standing Rock Sioux in the U.S. have been fighting against the construction of a major gas pipeline which would threaten their water supply and violate their sacred sites. They have organized popular direct action against the construction company and the state and inspired people throughout the country and the world.

    italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico Wednesday November 02, 2016 16:26 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
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    In questi 30 anni AL/fdca ha cercato costantemente di agire e proporsi come organizzazione politica coesa e responsabile i/le cui militanti siano parte naturale degli organismi di massa, del sindacato, dei movimenti, dello sperimentare alternative possibili per essere al loro interno volano ed orientamento delle idee, organizzatori dal basso della forza collettiva di lotta e della solidarietà, per contribuire allo sviluppo e radicamento dei movimenti sociali contro la guerra ed il militarismo, contro il liberismo, contro lo sfruttamento e la mercificazione di persone e risorse, contro il razzismo e la riduzione in schiavitù di donne e uomini, contro le discriminazioni sessiste ed il patriarcato, portandovi prassi e contenuti a carattere anticapitalistico, antiautoritario ed antifascista.

    Per contribuire alla costruzione di un fronte sociale delle forze di opposizione e rivendicative che sappia accumulare capacità di lotta, di contropotere e di progettualità edificatrice dell'alternativa libertaria.

    bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / género Sunday October 30, 2016 19:03 by Melissa Sepúlveda
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    Estas últimas semanas, las redes sociales se han llenado de rabia y frustración al hacerse evidente, una vez más, lo que ocurre hace muchísimo tiempo: tortura, violaciones y asesinatos de mujeres, por el solo hecho de ser mujeres. Van y vienen comentarios en todas direcciones. Reacciones organizadas por parte de mujeres en todo el mundo convocan a marchas, concentraciones y actividades bajo la consigna “Ni Una Menos”. Y también, por el otro lado, han surgido reacciones viscerales de hombres que, queriendo jugar al empate, levantan la consigna absurda de “nadie menos”, evidenciando que no es tan fácil, ni si quiera cuando hablamos del asesinato de mujeres, que “ellos” abandonen sus privilegios de dominación. Hoy es cada vez más claro que esta guerra silenciosa es una cuestión de vida o muerte, y la reflexión es la primera herramienta que tenemos para combatir esta extensa historia de dominación patriarcal.

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    Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

    Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

    Wed 30 Aug, 09:54

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