How Should International Actors Respond to Venezuela’s Crisis?

This post originally appeared in the August 18 issue of the Latin American Advisor. 

Now that Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro has proceeded to unconstitutionally ‘elect’ an all-powerful constituent assembly to write democracy out of Venezuela’s future constitution, Team Trump should focus special attention on the handful of Caribbean states that obstructed efforts at the OAS General Assembly in June to head off this latest, tragic turn in Venezuela’s deepening crisis.


No Women, No Problem for GOP Health Policy Group

Republican leaders in the Senate have been criticized for not naming any female members to the working group tasked with crafting a health-care bill to replace the Affordable Care Act. The New York Times called the creation of the all-male group “a move to placate the right.” Democrats pounced on the opportunity to reprise their reliable Republicans-hate-women refrain while simultaneously excoriating the House-passed bill. This only demonstrates that the left continues to misunderstand conservative women.

Diplomacy & Intelligence: Strange Bedfellows

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2016 issue of the Intelligencer

Spies and diplomats; diplomats and spies. Funnily enough, each could use precisely Dorfman’s adage about the other.

Diplomacy – particularly effective diplomacy – depends on intelligence – particularly effective intelligence. For the purposes of this article, we use “diplomacy” to mean strategically purposeful official communication between and among governments intended to persuade other governments to cooperate with one’s own position or course of action, or to motivate collaboration on a collective solution to an international problem. Read