Moon Jae-In’s THAAD Conundrum: South Korea’s “candlelight president” faces strong citizen opposition on missile defense
Ainu Women and Indigenous Modernity in Settler Colonial Japan
Chinese Coal Miners Will Need 2.3 Million New Jobs by 2020: Cutbacks in Mines
China’s Electric Power: Results for first half 2017 demonstrate continuing green shift
Big Meat: The rise and impact of mega-farming in China’s beef, sheep and dairy industries
The Dr. Seuss Museum and His Wartime Cartoons about Japan and Japanese Americans
A Korean Tragedy
Japan’s New Conspiracy Law Expands Police Power
The History Problem: The Politics of War Commemoration in East Asia
Murder of the Soul - Shiori and Rape in Japan
“There Will Be No Stopping the Okinawan Resistance,” an Interview with Yamashiro Hiroji
A Strategy for Dealing with North Korea
Candlelight and the Yellow Ribbon: Catalyzing Re-Democratization in South Korea
Notes Toward an Archaeology of Hallyu
In the Jungles With The Viet Cong: The War on Nature Then and Today
Transnational Environmental Activism and Japan’s Second Modernity
Challenging Nuclearism: The Nuclear Ban Treaty Assessed
China’s Takeover of the Port of Piraeus in Greece: Blowback for Europe
U.S. Accession to the Law of the Sea Convention? A Challenge for America’s Global Leadership
The Return of the Show Trial: China’s Televised “Confessions”