
Feminists attacked by CGT union goons during Paris demonstration

A protester injured by the CGT Sevice d'Ordre

Communiqué following the violent attack on five women by the CGT Service d’Ordre at the demonstration on the 12th of September.

The Woman Rebel

Woman rebel cover

A "monthly paper of militant thought" published by Margaret Sanger in 1914 which dealt with issues of women's rights, birth control, and militant labor. It published a total of 8 issues.

Remembering Sue Richardson

Sue Richardson, photo by Derek Spiers

An obituary for anarchist Sue Richardson, born Sarah Fenwick Owen, written by Aileen O'Carroll in 2011.

Vietnam: 6,000 workers involved in wildcat strike at clothing factory

Various striking workers gather around a central courtyard.

Inhumane conditions and low wages have led to approximately 6,000 workers going on strike at a garment factory in Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam.

No justice, no piece! A working girl's guide to labor organizing in the sex industry

Book cover

A manual created by the Exotic Dancers Union in San Francisco from their experiences organizing a union at the Lusty Lady strip club in 1997. A valuable book both for those organizing sex workers and workers in general. A good overview of the NLRB election process, but also general tips on organizing and direct action.

An “entirely different” kind of union: the Service, Office, and Retail Workers’ Union of Canada (SORWUC), 1972–1986 – Julia Smith


An in depth article which examines the Service, Office, and Retail Workers’ Union of Canada (SORWUC), an independent, grassroots, socialist-feminist union that existed from 1972 to 1986. They organised workers in marginalised, low-paying, largely female-dominated sectors that weren’t high priorities for the much larger business unions.

This article was published in the Canadian academic journal Labour/Le Travail, vol. 73, in 2014.

Sex work organisation in the global south

Sex workers protest in India

An overview by Gregor Gall of sex workers' organising and unionisation efforts in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

London women tram workers: equal pay strike 1918

Photos of the strike

Interesting additional information about the 1918 strike of women workers on London transport.

Violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville ends in murder

Aftermath of Nazi attack

Charlottesville, VA – The “Unite The Right” rally took place as scheduled in Emancipation Park on Saturday afternoon. As expected, thousands of anti-racist protesters arrived to confront the neo-nazis, KKK members, and other self-identified racists and fascists who had gathered around the statue of Robert E Lee.

What is a workplace? Race, workplace struggle, and the IWW

Factory committees, shop floors, collective bargaining, contracts. What do those words mean to you? Well, it depends on your life experience, of course. To me and other workers in my industry, those words have been associated with folks who have “real jobs.” You see, even though I work a real job in a real industry, all industries are not treated equally.