state socialism

Revolutionary organisation

Pamphlet published by Solidarity containing two texts: Revolutionary Organisation, and "Open letter to IS" (the International Socialists, now the Socialist Workers Party), on how we as revolutionaries should organise ourselves.

Anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism: selected writings by Marx, Engels and Lenin

Marx and Bakunin

A collection of writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin on anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism, published by Progress Publishers.

Corbynism: Leftists Illusions about Labour

Some of those who support Corbyn’s Labour do so with the idea that “it’s the least worst option” but many more actually believe that Labour can reform capitalism in favour of those who create the wealth that is enjoyed by a minority. This article is mainly directed at their distortions.

North Korea: development of national capitalism

Should the proletarians take part in the conflict opposing North Korea to the United States, Japan, and South Korea? Definitely NOT, since to get involved in supporting one or another of both sides in contention is to respond to an inter-capitalist conflict which is alien to our historical interests as an exploited class. The revolution we need to destroy Capital cannot in any way go via supporting any national State.

Kronstadt 1921 - Paul Avrich

Kronstadt poster

A detailed book-length history of the Kronstadt uprising of workers and sailors against the burgeoning Bolshevik dictatorship during the Russian revolution.

The Makhnovist movement and the national question in the Ukraine, 1917-1921

Fedir Shchus, sitting centre with other Makhnovist troops

A detailed account and analysis of the Ukrainian revolutionary anarchist army, during the Russian revolution, written by Aleksandr Shubin.

On leaving Russia

Russian Jewish anarchist Mollie Steimer, who was deported to Russia, on her being deported from Russia by the Bolsheviks for condemning their persecution of revolutionary workers.

Against the law: labour protests in China's rustbelt and sunbelt

Chinese workers protest

A detailed study by Ching Kwan Lee of China's transition from a more state capitalist model to a more free market system from the 1990s to the early 2000s, the effect on the working class and how workers responded to the changes.

A box of ashes, the state and the next Cuban revolution

Anarchist flag in Cuba

Article by Cuban anarchist, Marcelo Salinas, in the wake of Fidel Castro's demise, translated by the Anarchist Federation.

What would Corbyn do?

Corbyn/Guevara T-shirt

Gabriel Levy on the phenomenon of Jeremy Corbyn, the 2017 UK election result and what it means for the prospects of the working class.