
Strike and protests against Macron's employment law

The Witch bloc headed the demonstration

Four unions called a general strike for today against French President Macron’s new employment law, this is often referred to as Macron 2 or Macron XXL, because he was behind the last revision referred to as the ‘Loi El-Khomri’ and this new law is even worse.

Durham Teaching Assistants fight on - against Labour and their unions

Durham Teaching Assistants have remained solid in their resistance to the threats and deals done behind closed doors between the unions and the Labour Council. The fight goes on.

School Dinner Discipline: a little bit of solidarity can go a long way

A dinner lady came to Brighton SolFed when there was nowhere left to go. At the time, they faced a disciplinary hearing for gross misconduct in three days. They had not been paying union membership dues, so they were refused mainstream union representation.

1994: Wallis and Futuna General Strike

Grievances over working conditions and a lack of state primary schools lead to several strikes in 1994 on the two pacific islands.

1919: Costa Rican Women Teachers Defy Dictator

The attacks on education and educators by the Tinoco dictatorship in Costa Rica led to an opposition movement led by female students and teachers.

1969-70: Crystal City Chicano Students Strike

In 1969 Mexican American students at Cristal City high school were subject to systematic discrimination by the school board. In response the students protested and staged a mass walkout with the support of other Mexican American groups.

IWW supports UCU HE action on pay, anti-casualisation and gender pay gap

A statement from the Scottish IWW in support of the UCU strikes across Scotland in 2016.

For more information on the strike: ‘What is this dispute about?’ (UCU)

The Iceland women’s strike, 1975

Women on strike in Reykjavik, 1975

A short history of the strike, or day off, by 90% of women in Iceland for equality with men on 24 October, 1975, written by Steven Johns.

6F Geog.

ANTHONY BLOND is a publisher who is starting a series of text-books for the lower streams of secondary modern schools. His account of his attempt to teach in one is not meant to be taken frivolously.