
Solidarity strikers accuse bosses of blacklisting in Bologna

Riot police block locked out warehouse workers in Bologna last week.

After days of being locked out of their warehouse for showing solidarity with colleagues on strike in Carpiano, workers at SDA Bologna are being allowed back in based on a list, which the union says is targeting their members.

Workers stabbed and hit by car as pro-boss mob attacks picket

Picket outside the Carpiano SDA warehouse.

One worker was stabbed and another hit by a car as a group of striking workers outside an SDA warehouse in Carpiano, near Milan, was ambushed last night by a group of over 100 attackers armed with knives and metal bars.

The pink triangle: the Nazi war against homosexuals

Pink triangles

A detailed account of the treatment of homosexuals by the Nazi party.

Political persecution in republican Spain

Montjuich prison, 1939

Short article by Emma Goldman giving an overview of Stalinist persecution of revolutionary antifascists during the Spanish civil war.

A short history of colonialism in Congo, 1885-1997

A missionary with a child whose hand had been severed

A very short overview of Belgian, and latterly US, imperialism in Congo, written by Marty Jezer in 2001.

Feminists attacked by CGT union goons during Paris demonstration

A protester injured by the CGT Sevice d'Ordre

Communiqué following the violent attack on five women by the CGT Service d’Ordre at the demonstration on the 12th of September.

Excerpts of congressional testimony of Crawford Morgan

Crawford Morgan

Extracts from the testimony of African-American Spanish civil war volunteer Crawford Morgan, who was called to testify in response to a petition to label his veterans’ group a subversive organisation.

Strikes and riots in Sierra Leone, 1955 (Hansard)

1956 stamp from Sierra Leone

Discussion from the House of Commons after British troops suppressed strikes and riots in Sierra Leone by shooting into crowds, killing twenty people including five schoolchildren and injuring many others.

Lennox Boyd was the conservative secretary of state for the colonies. J Johnson was a Labour Party opposition MP.

Abahlali baseMjondolo activists kidnapped then tortured at house of local ward councillor

Abahlali baseMjondolo

On Monday two members of Abahlali were attacked by unknown people in their Silver City branch in uMlazi. The two men, who are serving in the local Abahlali structure were abducted by a group of men and forced into a car with no registration number. They were then taken to the house of the local ward councillor. They were beaten and tortured for two hours at the home of the ward councillor by the same men that had abducted them. After this they were taken to the police station by these men.

Brutal police tactics lead to several injured at protests against nuclear waste landfill in Bure

On August 15th, several people protesting the project of nuclear waste landfill were seriously injured by police. Activists denounce a new level in police repression and detailed previous acts of violence.