Black Lives Matter movement

Review: They can't kill us all: Ferguson, Baltimore, and the new era in America's racial justice movement

They Can't Kill Us All

A review of Wesley Lowery's book covering the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement and other activist projects in response to police shootings in the US.

Death in custody in Beckton - #justiceforedson

Edson, Edir Frederico Da Costa with his son

Twenty five year old Edir Frederico Da Costa, known as Edson, died yesterday having sustained multiple injuries during a police stop in Beckton, East London.

Al Ditty – Working Class Hero

Grave marker for Al Ditty, Mpls. sanitation worker who leaked police raid plan

A tribute to a white Minneapolis sanitation worker who was fired and committed suicide after leaking plans for a police raid on the Justice for Jamar Clark protest encampment outside the 4th Precinct police station in North Minneapolis.

Ferguson is Familiar to Indigenous Australians: Larissa Behrendt

Indigenous Australia knows the cynicism exposed by Michael Brown’s killing in Ferguson

In and Against the Brexit Regime: Notes From a Week of Migrants` Struggles

In the past two months, a right-wing acceleration of political processes took the name of “Brexit”; in parallel, and almost as a counterpart to this, in the past few weeks a different kind of politics emerged from the workplaces and the real-life of refugees struggles. The geography is these struggles is one defined by resistance to the violence of borders, controls, state-sponsored repression and business-oriented racism. Deliveroo, Byron Burgers, Calais, Ventimiglia, and Heathrow: a line connects those names, a new map of struggles materialising the inequality within and beyond Brexit.

What's Left after the election of Trump?

Protestors against Trump

A council communist view from the Netherlands.
It is not by supporting a middle-class program - be it left of right in the spectrum of bourgeois politics - that the proletariat can defend itself.

Black representation after Ferguson – John Clegg

John Clegg, of the 'Endnotes' collective, examines the state of black politics in the US. Published in 'The Brooklyn Rail', May 3rd, 2016

Alfred Olango and the hatred of solidarity

Sending the police to deal with mental health crises is bad for everyone, so why does it continue to happen?

The real problem with Jill Stein

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for President, has come under widespread attack from Hillary Clinton's unscrupulous supporters, but the real problem with Stein is how and why she became the most prominent left-wing candidate in the first place.

The Oakland police cannot be reformed

The Oakland Police cannot be reformed partly because reformers are not even willing to fight for incremental change