DD Johnston

The headscarf revolutionaries - DD Johnston

The Headscarf Revolutionaries marching to confront the bosses, Hull, 1968

D.D. Johnston reviews Brian Lavery’s The Headscarf Revolutionaries, an account of a spontaneous campaign by fishermen’s wives in Hull, which following the 1968 triple-trawler disaster forced major changes to UK shipping laws.

Review: The deconstruction of professor Thrub - DD Johnston

The deconstruction of professor Thrub

Steven Johns reviews the ambitious second novel of DD Johnston which follows a young woman on a riproaring ride through 20th-century history from the Belfast outdoor relief agitation to Spain during the civil war and Budapest in 1956.

On working class fiction

Detail from the cover of Robert Tressell's The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

In this essay from 2011, novelist DD Johnston presents a communist analysis of the definition and purpose of working class fiction.

Review: Anarchism and sexuality

DD Johnston's review of Anarchism and Sexuality, a multi-authored book edited by Jamie Heckert and Richard Cleminson (Abingdon & New York: Routledge, 2011).

Review: Peace, love & petrol bombs - DD Johnston

Steven Johns reviews DD Johnston's debut novel about revolutionary fast food workers, published by AK Press.