• After EPIC Privacy Complaint, Uber Settles with FTC

    After EPIC Privacy Complaint, Uber Settles with FTC

    After an EPIC complaint about Uber's privacy practices, Uber has entered into a consent agreement with the FTC. The agreement prohibits Uber from misrepresenting how it monitors or secures consumer information and requires Uber to implement a comprehensive privacy program and obtain independent audits. In 2015, EPIC filed a complaint with the FTC charging that Uber's plan to track users and gather contact details was an unlawful and deceptive trade practice.

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  • Google Purchase Tracking Complaint

    EPIC Files FTC Complaint to Stop Google from Tracking In-Store Purchases

    EPIC has filed a complaint with the FTC asking the agency to investigate Google's tracking of in-store purchases. According to EPIC, Google collects billions of credit and debit card transactions and then links that personal data to the activities of Internet users. EPIC's complaint asks the FTC to stop Google's tracking of in-store purchases and determine whether Google adequately protects consumer privacy.

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  • House Leaders Call for End to Collection of state Voter Records

    House Leaders Call for End to Collection of State Voter Records

    House leaders have called for an end to the collection of state voter records, citing the fact that the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity has suspended the collection of state voter data in response to EPIC's lawsuit. The leaders said that "any temporary halt is sufficient." EPIC's case is pending.

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  • 51 Reasons to End the Collection of State Voter Records by the Presidential Election Commission

    EPIC Launches "51 Reasons - Protect Voter Data"

    EPIC has established a new web site in response to the request from the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity for state voter records. "51 Reasons to End the Collection of State Voter Records by the Presidential Election Commision" includes comments from state election officials, specialists in election integrity, news organizations, voters, and public officials across the country.

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  • PACEI email

    EPIC Lawsuit Blocks Collection of State Voter Data by Commission

    The President's Election Commission has announced it has suspended the collection of state voter data in response to EPIC's lawsuit. The Commission told states "not to submit any data until this Court rules” on EPIC's motion.

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  • CNN Screenshot 1

    In Voter Privacy Case, EPIC Files for Temporary Restraining Order

    EPIC has filed for a Temporary Restraining Order to block a demand from a Presidential Commission for millions of state voter records. In papers filed in federal district court in Washington, D.C., EPIC explained that the Commission failed to produce and publish a Privacy Impact Assessment, required by Federal law. EPIC also charged that the Commission’s demand for detailed voter histories violated the Constitutional right to privacy.

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  • CNN Screenshot 2

    In Voter Privacy Case, EPIC Files for Temporary Restraining Order

    EPIC has filed for a Temporary Restraining Order to block a demand from a Presidential Commission for millions of state voter records. In papers filed in federal district court in Washington, D.C., EPIC explained that the Commission failed to produce and publish a Privacy Impact Assessment, required by Federal law. EPIC also charged that the Commission’s demand for detailed voter histories violated the Constitutional right to privacy.

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  • EPIC Cloud 2017

    EPIC 2017

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2017, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, student privacy, and government surveillace, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

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  • Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2017, EPIC has important work to do on protecting democratic institutions, algorithmic transparency, and government surveillace, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

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Top News

Court Dismisses Suits Against OPM Over Data Breach that Affected 22 Million

A federal court in Washington, DC has dismissed two lawsuits against the Office of Personnel Management over the data breaches that compromised the records of 22 million federal employees and family members. The court acknowledged the "troubling allegations" raised by OPM's victims but ruled that "the fact that a person's data was taken" is not "enough by itself to create standing to sue." EPIC has long argued that data breach victims should not wait until they suffer identity theft to sue the parties that failed to protect their data. EPIC also filed comments last year with OPM recommending limits on data collection, has recommended updates to the federal Privacy Act, and has urged the Supreme Court to recognize a right to "informational privacy" and to ensure Privacy Act damages for non-economic harm.

End of DACA Program Poses Privacy Risks to Dreamers

The recent Department of Homeland Security memo rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program creates new privacy risks for at least 800,000 individuals. At issue is the personal data provided to DHS by DACA applicants. In the 2012 Privacy Impact Assessment, the DHS stated that personal data would be "protected from disclosure to ICE and CBP for the purpose of immigration enforcement proceedings." Now that the program is set to expire, the personal data provided by DACA applicants is at risk of use for unauthorized purposes, implicating the federal Privacy Act. EPIC has long supported vigorous enforcement of the federal Privacy Act and opposed efforts that target individuals in immigrant communities.

NGOs to Meet with Privacy Commissioners at Public Voice Event in Hong Kong

The Public Voice will host an event with NGOs and Privacy Commissioners at the 39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Hong Kong. "Emerging Privacy Issues: A Dialogue Between NGOs & DPAs" will address emerging privacy issues, including biometric identification, Algorithmic transparency, border surveillance, the India privacy decision, and implementation of the GDPR. Speakers include Chairman Isabelle Falque-Pterrotin of the CNIL and Article 29 Working Party, Commissioner John Edwards of New Zealand, and Director Eduardo Bertoni of Argentina. Also participating will be representatives of Access Now, EPIC, GP Digital, Privacy International, and the World Privacy Forum. The Public Voice, established in 1996, facilitates public participation in decisions concerning the future of the Internet.

EPIC, Global Coalition Recommend Human Rights Protections for Cybercrime Proposal »

EPIC Urges FTC To Strengthen Privacy Settlement With Uber »

Senators Introduce Data Breach Legislation In The Wake Of Equifax Breach »

Justice Department Exempts "Insider Threat" Database from Privacy Act Safeguards »

EPIC, Groups Urge Greater Transparency for International Intelligence Arrangements »

NHTSA Revised Automated Vehicle Policy Lacks Privacy Safeguards, Senate Considers Draft Bill »

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EPIC's Work

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Open Government »

EPIC v. ODNI: Seeking release of the Complete ODNI Assessment of the Russian interference with 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.

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Appellate Advocacy »

In re SuperValu: Whether Victims of Data Breaches Must Suffer Certainly Impending or Actual Concrete Harms (i.e., Damages) In Order to Sue

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EPIC provides expertise to shape strong privacy and open government laws at both the state and federal level.

Democracy and Cybersecurity

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EPIC has launched a new project on Democracy and Cybersecurity to address growing concerns about cyber attacks on democratic institutions.