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Welcome to the online home of The Expert Witness Radio Show!

For those wondering… after nearly 16 years of volunteer work and fundraising on our part, WBAI unceremoniously cancelled the show.  No prior notice, and no opportunity to say goodbye to our longtime listeners.

This is not particularly shocking – WBAI has been a circular firing squad for a long time now – we loved them, and loved being part of them just the same.

Mike and Mark are working on doing a no-holds-barred web-only version of the show.  Updates as they occur.

Thank you to all who have listened and supported us.



The Expert Witness Radio Show primarily centers around issues of government ineptitude and media complacency – with a particular focus on politics and the intelligence community.

Not to say that the show is limited to those subjects… for over a decade, we have covered a wide range of topics, both unusual and un-mainstream. With a great array of knowledgeable guests, the show covers stories that aren’t being covered elsewhere.

Hosted by Michael Levine – one of the most highly decorated DEA agents in that agency’s history, and co-hosted by Producer / Engineer / Webmaster Mark Marshall.

If you’ve never been here before, the heart of this site is the archives. It contains audio from shows dating back over a decade … front-line testimony on government & police corruption, the “war on drugs”, and covert operations worldwide – and much, much more.

Those archives are currently being rebuilt in this new format, and being added to a master RSS feed that will allow you to access ALL of those shows.  Your patience is appreciated – we’re an all-volunteer unit here, and there are well over a decade of shows to post.

Those of you who feel intrepid can browse the raw folder of audio files while we reconstruct.

Also – you can now subscribe to our podcast – both through that RSS feed, or through iTunes.

Plus: Find us on Facebook!

Site news:

Michael Levine has issued a release on the recent news about The Big White Lie (La Guerra Falsa).

We’ve added a spanish-language documentary to the library from the early 1990s featuring Mike and The Big White Lie.


Just posted:

The 100 Years Episode

One of our most important episodes, from 1997 – 4 Federal Agents, with a total of 100 years’ experience, gathered to talk about the state of Security and Intelligence both in the U.S. and around the world – and warned of our vulnerability to impending horrific terrorist acts, due to the ineptitude of CIA and FBI. Sadly, much of what they warned would come true came to pass.

Mike’s professional website is here:

Attorneys or Law Enforcement agencies wishing to procure Mike’s services should visit here.

to warn of our vulnerability to impending horrific terrorist acts due to the ineptitude of CIA and FBI

Some Prior Guests

David Moorhouse

Ray McGovern

Dr. Rick Nuccio

Renee Boje

Daniel Ellsberg

Richard Stratton

Gerard Colby

Greg Palast

Dennis Dayle

Ralph McGeehee

Stan Goff

Mark Levine

Vincent Bugliosi

J.H. Hatfield

Siobhan Reynolds

Charles Bowden

Katherine Gun

Bob Parry

Sandy Gonzalez

Sibel Edmonds

Ellen Mariani

Peter Lance

Senator Bob Graham

Cele Castillo

Tosh Plumlee

Donald Bains

Will Northrop

Aukai Collin

John Loftus

Joyce Reilly Von Kliest

Kelly O' Meara

John P. Flannery

Bill Conroy

Sander Hicks

Paul Williams