Bernie Sanders

Sanders’s Single-Payer Bill: More Backing but Questions Remain

Sixteen Democrats co-sponsored Bernie Sanders’s ambitious Medicare-for-all bill on Wednesday, signaling a potential shift in the party’s willingness to try and enact a fully federally funded health care system to replace Obamacare. But can they devise a viable way to finance it?

Jumping at Shadows, President Trump

The Fearful vs. the Fearless

Americans are consumed by a fog of fear. It just may be that this is the new cultural divide — those that are afraid of everything and those that can transcend it.

Richard Nixon, climate change

Can Harvey and Irma End Republican Climate Change Denial?

Hurricane Harvey was supposed to be a 500-year event. Instead, it became the third and most destructive in three years. Whether Americans can outlast more catastrophic disasters will depend on the GOP’s willingness to acknowledge and combat the threat of climate change.

media bubble

The Danger of News Bubbles

Americans increasingly seem to get their news from outlets that confirm their existing political beliefs, rarely allowing themselves exposure to alternative viewpoints. No wonder the country is so divided. WhoWhatWhy conducted an experiment to examine life inside the news bubble.

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