
SOAS occupiers win!

After 12 days of taking over the directorate at SOAS university in solidarity with cleaners facing redundancy, students have dismantled their occupation declaring a massive win.

After a long series of negotiations between contractor Elior, SOAS and university union UCU, the university has reversed its controversial plan to close catered social space the Refectory. All redundancies will be reversed and the outsourced catering staff are now set… Continue reading

Anti-austerity campaigns kick off week of action in Scotland

Anti-cuts groups linked to Scottish campaign Action Against Austerity has launched a week of action calling on the Scottish government to end its participation in damaging disability benefit re-assessment programmes.

The network argues that the process of switching claimants people over from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independence Payments (PIP), which involves reassessing all claimants, even those with chronic conditions, has resulted in almost half of all… Continue reading

Anti-fracking fort evicted after eight months of resistance

After a 42-hour struggle against security firm Specialist Group International the occupation of Leith Hill by anti-fracking protectors is over, campaign group Reclaim The Power reports.

The Leith Hill occupation site lasted almost eight months in total and the firm, hired by fracker leaseholders Europa and supported by police, finally removed five protectors who had held the fort and tunnels under the site with some novel diversionary tactics. No… Continue reading

SOAS occupiers ramp up the noise as bosses squirm at cuts talks

Students who have occupied the directorate building at SOAS for the last 11 days against attacks on staff jobs at the university’s Refectory are following up a big rally held yesterday with a revolutionary fiesta tonight, keeping up pressure on administrators.

Yesterday’s event saw students and catering workers joined by the IWGB, which has itself been organising strongly with university cleaning staff who are often on similar outsourced… Continue reading

Solidarity call for man hospitalised while protecting mum and child from EDL

A grassroots aid group called for solidarity donations yesterday to help a man who was hospitalised when he tried to protect a woman and her young daughter from EDL thugs.

The largest EDL rally in some time rampaged through Manchester on Sunday, breaking through police lines and intimidating people in the centre of the city, including abuse of Sikh volunteers who were trying to feed homeless people.

The… Continue reading

SOAS open day targeted as occupation over job cuts escalates

Following an occupation of the directorate offices at SOAS, supporters of staff who have been threatened with the sack as the university closes down its Refectory community space are targeting management where it hurts — their open day.

Under the banner Troll SOAS, the SOAS Justice For Workers group is planning to tell students visiting today all about the last few years of conflicts with university… Continue reading

Judges leave DSEI defendants hanging over 2015 arms fair protest

After more than a year of putting eight anti-arms activists through stop-start legal shenanigans over whether they broke the law at a DSEI arms fair protest, judges at the High Court have reserved their decision, meaning another agonising wait.

The eight, who participated in a sit-down protest at the arms fair in September 2015, had initially been acquitted in April 2016 of charges that they had… Continue reading

Locals shut down development works at “Gatwick Gusher” oil site

Works have been closed for several hours today after two protectors locked-on at the gates of an oil-drilling site owned by UK Oil and Gas (UKOG) at Broadford Bridge in West Sussex.

The pair, with several supporters, were at the site for some time before being approached by police liason officers as they stretched across the entrance on Adversane Lane, shutting off the road in both… Continue reading

Brighton gearing up for the post-election fight

With the general election just days away, libertarian-leaning groups in Brighton are getting ready to resist what comes next — whoever’s in charge.

Organisers with Solidarity Federation, Plan C and the IWGB have jointly organised a Critical Mass bike ride for Friday June 9th to kick off their own manifesto: “Whatever the result, the daily organising continues!” The ride, which is open to all, will start 8pm at… Continue reading

Case study: A campaign over insecure work

Liverpool Solfed writes about its campaign against as the firm attempts to ape companies like Deliveroo and Uber in casualising jobs into a self-employed “gig economy” model

At Easter, Liverpool-SolFed made a call out to protest against working conditions at Sandemans, a company which offers “Free Tours” in Liverpool and across Europe.

“Free Tour” does not mean that guides are volunteers. In Sandeman’s case they are ‘self-employed workers’… Continue reading