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Now Temperature

At Gold Coast

23:30 EST





Mostly sunny


Weather News

Hurricane Maria following similar path to Irma

16:32 EST

The second hurricane in a fortnight to affect the Caribbean will cause destructive winds and flooding rain in the coming days.

Turbulent Monday for Victoria and Tasmania

16:24 EST

It was a blustery start to the week in the nation's southeast as a cold front and trailing low pressure system prompted severe weather warnings in multiple states.

Meet the forecasters behind the weather at the BOM in Hobart

12:42 EST

How about that weather, eh? It's the topic for many a socially awkward barbecue or work function, it affects us all in some way every day, but what does it take to forecast the future? Tristan Oakley loved thunderstorms as a kid, and after dabbling in geology at university he realised the skies were more his thing.