The Yes Men | Projects
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Share the Safety

Operation Second Thanks

Skip Showers for Beef

Reed Divests

How to Stop Drug Abuse

“Anger Marketing” at Roskilde

Snowden Pardoned

Total Terrorism Solution

Polar Pals

Save Canada

Deport the Statue

Shell Gives Out “Last Iceberg” Snow Cones

Massive drum circle for Bloomberg! Come one, come all!

Reed Divests – Press Release

Bloomberg vs. Warlord Gets Woman Fired

APEC World Leaders’ Dinner Gets Occupied

Wall Street bull survives attack by matador; clowns arrested

Brokers and Police for the Occupation

Operation Second Thanks – Press Release

Polar Pals – Gazprom Video

Operation Second Thanks – Photos

Phone Story

Polar Pals – Press Release

Anti-iPhone iPhone Game Gets Past Censors

Coal Cares

Peabody Announces Coal Cares

Making Asthma Cool: Not Coal Industry Priority After All

Response to Legal Threat to from Peabody Energy

Scholastic Severs Ties with Coal Industry

The Water Is Safe To Drink

Polar Pals – Reveal Release

The Alberta Tar Sands Is Mordor

Operation Second Thanks – Bana Slowhorse speech

Operation Second Thanks – DOE speech

Coal for the Rich

SaveCanada – Press Release

Coal plant to be built in wealthy Chicago neighborhood?

GE Returns Billions to Public Coffers… FOR REAL!

Reed Divests – Commencement Speech

SaveCanada – Call to Arms

Fake GE Press Release

Save Canada – Reveal Press Release

US Uncut + the Yes Lab: GE Returns Billions to Public… NOT

My Hair Cares

Enbridge Announces “MyHairCares”

“Enbridge” Responds

Enbridge’s Hair Hoax Exposed

Arrest John Poulson

Alert: Fraudulent Conflict-Free iPhone Hoax Originating from Apple Address

Share the Safety – Press Release

Chevron’s $80 million ad campaign gets flushed

Share the Safety – Denial Press Release

Share the Safety – Launch Presentation

Total Terrorism Solution – Presentation

Campaign Highlights Victims

Total Terrorism Solution – Photos

“Chevron” Deplores Subterfuge

Total Terrorism Solution – Press Release

Chevron Ad Campaign Derailed

Leaks led to Chevron “We Agree” takeover; activist campaign expands

Reed Divests – Response Press Release

Three lessons from the Chevron campaign

Reed Divests – Reveal

Flushing Chevron deeper

Keep Chevron’s campaign on the skids

Announcing Chevron ad rip-off contest

Chevron wheat-paste contest details

Lead a wheatpaste team

France Remains Offensive

Monsanto and the Carnival of Corn

Balls Across America

New York Post Tells the Truth

Monsanto – Press Release

Monsanto – Response Release

NYT Special Edition

Monsanto – Leaked Letter to Mexican Government

The Common App

Exxon’s Climate Victim Candles

The Common App – Press Release

The Common App – Announcement at NCORE

TYM Versus Some Really Stupid French Politicians

The Common App – The DREAM Lives On

Bank Smokes Europe

WTO Proposes Slavery For Africa

Bank Smokes Europe – Press Release

Halliburton Solves Global Warming!

Bank Smokes Europe – Reveal

Politely Requesting Remedy

HUD Secretary Announces New Direction

The Dalai Lama Welcoming Committee

Dalai Lama Welcoming Committee – Press Release

Dow Discovers a Golden Skeleton

Dalai Lama Welcoming Committee – Reveal

Dow Does the Right Thing

How to Stop Drug Abuse – Pharmacies Targeted for Shutdown

Global Warming Petitions, Cleveland

How to Stop Drug Abuse – Duffy Angry

Smash the State

How to Stop Drug Abuse – Duffy’s a Benedict Arnold

End of the WTO

How to Stop Drug Abuse – The Real Perps Come Forth

Murder is Bad

Murder is Bad – Press Release

Let Them Eat Hamburger

Shell’s Epic Party Fail

Shell’s Epic Party Fail – Press Release

Shell’s Epic Party Fail – Reveal

Might Makes Right: Emails

Might Makes Right

Corporate Power Tool Award

Trump Election Reporting Devices

Corporate Power Tool Award – Press Release

Beyond the Golden Parachute

Beyond the Golden Parachute: A Conversation in Tampere

Captain Euro

UN Celebrates 420

UN Kills the Buzz

Limits to Freedom

UN Smoke Clears


Your B of A

Your B of A – Announcement

Your B of A – The Bank Reacts

Your B of A – The Reveal

Three Strikes, You’re In!

Three Strikes, You’re In! – Reveal

Three Strikes, You’re In! – Announcement

Patriots for Self-Deportation

Snowden Pardoned – Photos and Video

Patriots for Self-Deportation – Romney Stole Our Idea

Patriots for Self-Deportation – Launches

A Gift for Amsterdam

Occupy Wall Street Actions

UN Ends the War on Drugs

Black Pete

Monsanto – Caught in the Act

Ft. Detrick Ghosts

Pfizer Drops Drug Prices

Fire Brigade Snafu