Peter Tatchell


For human rights, democracy, global justice & LGBTI freedom. Views expressed here are my own & may not reflect those of the Peter Tatchell Foundation.


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  1. How & why I began campaigning for human rights in 1967. WATCH

  2. .: tells LGBT+ Societies to drop gay men’s rep as they do not face "oppression"

  3. MT: In remembrance of Irish PEOPLE who gave their lives to free Ireland from British occupation & exploitation

  4. In remembrance of Irish patriots who gave their lives to free Ireland from British occupation & exploitation

  5. . Sign & share petition for a w/ equal number of women MPs

  6. Peter Tatchell 关注了
    • @ChakraNews

      The Chakra () is the most comprehensive source of worldwide Dharmic-related news. RTs, Quotes not an endorsement.

    • @1916Centenary

      Independent a/c curating commentary on 1916 Easter Rising & War of Independence as centenaries approach. Supporting Irish State & Defence Forces

  7. How can public officials promote LGBTI equality? Report on access to rights for people via

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    Deeply worrying. Illegal Jewish school which teaches only Torah, still open after being ordered to close

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    In remembering Karadzic's crimes, also remember those in UK who provided political cover for him: via

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    Assad’s mass terror & horror. He & gangs & helpers must be brought to justice.

  15. My belief: Every successful freedom struggle is a collective one. Every true freedom struggle is for the sake of the individual.

  16. More activists express concern about NUS LGBTI & no-platform policies via

  17. Trailer for documentary THE KURDISH DREAM about the struggle for a self-governing Kurdish state

  18. VIDEO of my speech urging student unions to revise no-platform policy to protect free speech


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