Resultats de la cerca
  1. fa 12 hores

    "At one [] bar, a group of young men & women sat drinking wine & smoking water pipes…” [Etc. etc. …]

  2. fa 14 hores

    Russian top brass calls on US to not hamper ’ fight against terrorism

  3. fa 15 hores

    : is out ! Go Home ! not in to Fight . But helping Fight . Without -.

  4. fa 20 hores

    : |i army has intercepted an |ian drone that was launched by from .

  5. fa 23 hores

    Morning from my neighborhood in ❤️

  6. 18 set.
  7. 18 set.

    Many civilians injured after heavy artillery bombed targeted towns in countryside

  8. 17 set.

    Oldest church in the world, . St Ananias chapel. Washington's jihadists would have destroyed it. .

  9. 17 set.
  10. 17 set.
  11. 14 set.

    As fuel prices go up horse drawn wagons are becoming more popular in and countryside

  12. 13 set.

    President received delegates from 60 countries participating in International Trade Forum held in

  13. 13 set.

    & invited foreign & domestic media to visit to witness the situation there firsthand. Guess how many MSM came?

  14. 10 set.

    Syrian army controls entire -Deir al-Zor highway

  15. 10 set.
  16. 10 set.

    international highway which passes through & (more than 400 km long) under total control

  17. 10 set.

    The and allies control all the motorway from to via & : 450 km long

  18. 10 set.

    : Pro-Militant States Not Allowed to Participate in Reconstruction of

  19. 10 set.

    Syrian Army graduates large force in : video

  20. 10 set.

    liberated Rujm al Muţayţā and Qabr al Khaţībah from US proxies /

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