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John Hewson: John Howard's republican debate tactics threaten same-sex marriage

The only reason that I decided to stay on as leader after the election loss in 1993 was because of a genuine concern that John Howard would replace me. On two key issues: native title and the republic, I knew he would be particularly divisive by moving the party to the hardline "right".

This concern was soon validated when I made a significant speech arguing that "hardline monarchists were an anachronism". Howard rushed into my office, shouting and screaming: "Australia would only become a republic over my bloody dead body."

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Howard is a man of simple values, but an astute politician, skilfully able to turn events as they unfold to his political advantage. When the republican issue emerged under his watch, recognising the division in the republican ranks, he crafted a question for the referendum that he knew would fail.

The process to the republican vote was always the wrong way around. It should have been a two-stage process – stage one, a plebiscite, do you, or do you not, want Australia to be a republic? Then stage two, a referendum on the various models.

The same-sex marriage process is now essentially that – an initial, but not compulsory, postal plebiscite, to be followed by a parliamentary process on a piece of legislation, that will deal with the concerns about religious freedoms, freedom of speech, parenting, and so on.

While the postal plebiscite – Brexit effects aside – should be a resounding "yes", I suspect the battle is yet to be had in the parliamentary process on the enabling legislation.


While our political masters will know how their constituents voted in the survey, seat by seat, I am concerned that some will not feel bound by this when it comes to the final, parliamentary conscience vote. I suspect that while some will want to reflect the view of their constituency, others will still try to turn the debate on some technical clause in the proposed legislation.

It should not be forgotten that the only reason why we ended up with a plebiscite, now in the form of a "postal survey", was to satisfy "forces" in the Abbott/Turnbull government that wanted to avoid a parliamentary vote, simply kicking the issue down the road, hoping to avoid having to settle the issue.

Indeed, these forces are still hoping that a postal vote won't be definitive, either because it is dominated by "older" rather than younger voters, and/or there is a low overall voter response. It is probably also no accident that voters are given such a long time, to November 7, to respond – the hope being that many may never get around to it, especially as they "tire" of the sustained, sometimes extreme, public debate, working as another distraction to good government.

The issue of same-sex marriage is a polarising, divisive one, where some on both sides hold pretty strong views, and often will go to extremes, and take any opportunity, to enforce those views. Taking so long with a non-binding, postal survey, increases the probability of extreme arguments and events, which some hope will push the vote back to a conservative position, or just reduce the postal response.

There are lessons to be learned from the Brexit vote where a "silent" disillusioned majority demonstrated that their views could not be taken for granted. The proponents of the vote completely misjudged how that majority "pined" for the "older Britain", for the way things were, and concerned with the way things had become.

I suspect that most Australians wish that the issue had just been settled by a parliamentary conscience vote, and that the government had been able to focus on their cost of living struggles. It is not a top order issue in the minds of many, and they are increasingly annoyed by this and other distractions. Now being forced to endure this elongated postal process, still to be followed by a parliamentary process, may cause some to rethink their position, or ignore the survey.

As with so many challenges these days, voters are simply looking for clear, definitive, leadership. Turnbull "promised" that when he seized the job from Abbott. Having now embraced the distraction of a postal survey he is further compounding his electoral difficulties, and the electoral uncertainty of what he actually stands for, or believes in.

The major issues are being left to drift. Turnbull will be held accountable for his policy failures and neglect, importantly power, housing affordability and the generally poor state of our economy, where the costs of living seem to be running away, while wages are flatlining.

If there is further division within the government, within both parties, as the same-sex marriage issue runs its course, as I suspect there will be, Malcolm will be seen to have failed, yet again.


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