Cory Bernardi Shoots And Misses At A Primary School's Wear A Dress Charity

Poor bloke's lost in the fog of culture war.

21/09/2017 10:14 AM AEST | Updated 22/09/2017 7:44 AM AEST

A South Australian primary school has blown past its $900 goal to raise more than $100,000 for a girl's education charity after their efforts were labelled "absurd" by an Australian senator.

On Friday morning, the school had raised $153,738 -- and it doesn't look like the donations are going to slow down any time soon.

Craigburn Primary School gave all students and staff the option of wearing a dress to school for a day to help raise money for the Do It In A Dress charity, which helps send girls in developing countries go to school.

Australian Conservatives Senator Cory Bernardi -- who is currently engaged in a culture war over same sex marriage -- decided their efforts were "gender morphing" and "absurd," and told the Adelaide Advertiser he did not understand casual dress day has suddenly become "wear a dress to school day".

"In the midst of a debate about the safe school gender ideology program, the redefinition of marriage and attempts to de-genderise society it seems this school is playing into a political cause rather than an educational one," Bernardi said.

Actor and Comedian Josh Thomas weighed in on Wednesday night, leading the charge for fundraising efforts after noting the link to Craigburn's explanation of the charity day had gone down (it did, briefly). Fast forward a day and the school has raised just under $35,000 by midday on Thursday.

"These kids are being bullied by Cory for trying to help underprivileged girls," Thomas said.

"The site it linked to has been taken down. It appears he won."

And the efforts kept skyrocketing from there -- By 8pm on Thursday night, that figure had also more then doubled to exceed $100,000 for the cause.

South Australia Education minister Susan Close hit back at Bernardi too.

"It's a fundraiser for girls' education in Africa the kids thought up. Get a sense of humour and perspective and leave our kids out of politics," she said.

Whether people were taking Close's advice or not, many responded to Bernardi's war-cry with pure giggles.

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