The Magazine

  • Vol. 28 No. 4
    Fall 2017


    • An American Way for America Now

      Paul Starr

      Why the country needs a Democratic party that knows it needs white working-class voters


    • When Soft Power Salutes Despots

      Mark Goldberg

      American diplomacy once leaned against aspiring dictators. Trump eggs them on. How much global influence does the U.S. really have—for good or evil?
    • Low Unemployment Doesn't Increase Wages Like It Used To

      Harold Meyerson

      Full employment is still necessary, but rebuilding the middle class also requires dethroning shareholders and boosting worker power. 
    • It Will Take More Than Single Payer to Make Baltimore Healthy

      Jim Grossfeld

      More than access to health care, the ongoing legacies of Jim Crow diminish African Americans' health and longevity. 
    • Weakening Medicaid From Within

      Sara Rosenbaum

      The Trump administration is poised to misuse its legal authority in an effort to cull people from the Medicaid rolls.


    • How She Lost

      Stanley Greenberg

      Malpractice cost Clinton the election, but her ambivalence on big issues was produced by big structural factors that affect all Democrats.  
    • Where the Republican Party Began

      Ronald Brownstein

      Sidney Blumenthal's new volume in his biography of Lincoln explores the role of leadership in the remaking of American politics in the 1850s.
    • Can Love Conquer Hate?

      Jabari Asim

      Will the increasing prevalence of intermarriage lead to broader empathy and understanding?


    • The American Heartbreak
      The American Heartbreak

      Despair Is Not an Option

      Randall Kennedy

      The Trump presidency is not the end of the American story.
    • The American Heartbreak

      What Will It Take for Black Lives to Matter?

      Todd Gitlin

      Nonviolent, cross-racial coalitions are the only way back to a decent America.
    • The American Heartbreak

      White Nationalism and Economic Nationalism

      Robert Kuttner

      How a progressive economic program could Make America Great Again—without the racist tinge.
    • Unfriendly Skies

      David Dayen

      It's time to admit that airline deregulation has failed passengers, workers—and economic efficiency. 
    • Slaying the Partisan Gerrymander

      Sam Wang & Brian Remlinger

      With extreme gerrymanders on the rise, it is time for the Supreme Court—and the states—to curb a practice that has gotten out of control. 
    • Francis Revives the Workers' Church

      John Gehring

      The Catholic Church in America—once an ally of workers and their unions—grew differential to big money in recent decades. Now, prompted by the pope, a new generation of labor priests and bishops is trying to change that. 
    • Real Tax Reform: What It Is and What It Isn't

      Jared Bernstein

      Trump's proposed tax cuts, mostly on corporations and the wealthy, will do nothing to help the people who elected him president. 
    • The Freedom Caucus's Man on the Inside

      Justin Miller

      Mick Mulvaney has his dream job as director of OMB. Given the general chaos in Trump-world, what can he make of it?
    • Not Britain's Finest Hour

      Denis MacShane

      If Brexit actually happens, those most harmed will be the people who voted for it. How did Britain get into such a mess, and how might she yet muddle out of it?
    • France and Germany: An Aging Couple Carries On

      Arthur Goldhammer

      Merkel and Macron need each other, as emblems of a still vital European center. But can Macron deliver more than symbols, and can Merkel take her foot off Europe's oxygen hose?
    • The Proselytizers and the Privatizers

      Katherine Stewart

      How religious sectarian school voucher extremists made useful idiots of the charter school movement
    • Fossil-Free Finance

      Manuel Madrid

      The surprising successes of the divestment movement as an anti-carbon organizing strategy
    • Desegregated, Differently

      Rachel M. Cohen

      Half of Hartford's school kids attend integrated schools, thanks to a legal strategy that might work elsewhere. 

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