

Ann Coulter: They Don’t Call It “The Great Tweet Of China”

During the campaign, Donald J. Trump made lots of promises—he'd be the greatest jobs president that God ever created, he'd cut taxes, he'd balance the budget, he'd give all Americans fantastic health care, he'd renegotiate NAFTA, he'd scotch the Iran deal and so on.

But there was one central promise without which he wouldn't have been elected: He said he'd build a wall.

Either Trump understood the urgency of our border crisis, as his every campaign speech suggested, or it was just meaningless boilerplate to get himself elected. If it was the latter, then our search continues for one politician who won't lie to us.

It was precisely the Nietzschean Eternal Recurrence of politicians promising to get tough on immigration, but never, ever doing it, that caused voters to cling to Trump like a life vest in a tidal wave. Read more >>

Trump WAS Winning On Illegal Immigration. He Still Could

The Daily Caller recently (9/14) published my commentary on the August job numbers . Evidence of how much Trump has begun to alienate his base: There’s intense resistance to good news, with the result that there is an appetite for reports that illegal immigrations is rebounding e.g. Here’s what’s happening to illegal alien crossings after a historic decrease , by Carlos Garcia, The, September 15, 2017. As I argue below, this is a statistical misunderstanding. Illegal immigration appears to have bottomed out, but it is still far below recent levels (SEE CHART ABOVE).

Note also that the immigrant workforce population, which has just declined, includes legal immigrants e.g. H(1)B visa holders. Here also there is also evidence of a “Trump Effect.”

Imagine what would happen if the GOP actually passed legislation .

They (and America) might actually survive.

Trump Has Reduced Immigration Without Lifting A Finger

Get used to it: Donald Trump spent his life on building sites. Chaos, messiness, noise and frenzied rushing around seem normal to him, although they’re driving America’s political class absolutely nuts. On immigration policy, this means nobody (probably including Trump) really knows what is going to happen with the DACA Amnesty, aimed at young adult illegal aliens allegedly brought here as children, or with the 2018 refugee quota, which the Administration must announce this month.  But we do now know, looking at government data, what’s quietly happening with immigrants: they’re leaving. Even the widely reported summer rebound in illegal aliens crossing the southern border is based on a statistical misunderstanding.

Back in April, I reported that the monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics Household Survey report showed year-over-year growth in the immigrant population (legal and illegal, the government Doesn’t Ask) had completely stalled since Trump’s election. This was particularly significant because, during President Obama’s last years, it had been running well in excess of the million legal immigrants expected annually. Which had meant an unreported illegal alien surge was under way—quite probably because the Democrats were blatantly offering Amnesty. Read more >>

Michelle Malkin: Show Biz Meltdown—Bombs Away!

The numbers don't lie. Across the entertainment industry, viewers and fans are tuning out. It's no coincidence ratings are cratering as unhinged celebrities crank up their anti-Trump and anti-American antics.

Pro tip, Tinseltownies: Swapping your jazz hands for middle fingers and waving resistance fists at your customer base is bad for Read more >>

Congressional “Hate” Resolution Opened Door To Cultural Marxist Police State. Only Trump Resisted

Open debate in the West now hangs by a thread—even the social networking site Gab, the libertarian alternative to the increasingly Politically Correct Twitter, is now threatened with outright seizure of its domain for allegedly breaking Australian anti-discrimination laws. This may well be another example of the emerging Cultural Marxism-Big Business alliance: the crackdown comes days after Gab’s anti-trust lawsuit against Google.[ ‘Free Speech Alternative’ To Twitter Doesn’t Last Long At All, Hit With Anti-Discrimination’ Violation , by Ian Miles Cheong, Daily Caller, September 18, 2017] Meanwhile, despite (or because of) a unified Republican government, on September 11 Congress unanimously approved a Joint Resolution which could well provide legal cover for suppressing the entire Dissident Right. Only President Trump, in his inarticulate but undeniably admirable way, offered any resistance.

The Joint Resolution condemned “White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups,” blaming these groups for the “violence and domestic terrorist attack” that it alleged (despite mounting Narrative Collapse) took place at the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. It looked like it could have been written by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Perhaps it was.

Needless to say, the Resolution did not condemn the Antifa terrorists who actually created the violence in Charlottesville. Indeed, as this is written, St. Louis continues to suffer from riots by Black Lives Matter and Antifa—to the complete indifference of the Main Stream Media. And calling the violence in Charlottesville “domestic terrorism” is utterly irresponsible —suspect James Fields has not yet faced trial and there is good reason to think he will never be convicted of murder.

Yet this Joint Resolution isn’t just empty virtue-signaling. Such a resolution, passed— unanimously—by the U.S. Congress and signed by the President, has the force of law. From a legal standpoint, it is the same as a bill. At the very least, it must influence judicial deliberations. And this Resolution called on federal government to “use all resources available to the President and the President’s Cabinet to address the growing prevalence of… hate groups.” It could well be used to harass whatever organizations are designated as "hate groups" by the SPLC and other Leftists enforcers. Read more >>

Pat Buchanan: Who Truly Imperils Our Free Society?

"The Barbarian cannot make ... he can befog and destroy but ... he cannot sustain; and of every Barbarian in the decline or peril of every civilization exactly that has been true."

Hilaire Belloc's depiction of the barbarian is recalled to mind as the statues honoring the history Read more >>

SAID IN SPANISH: Mexico Will “Receive With Open Arms The DREAMers That Return To Our Country”! So What’s The...

The Mexican government and Spanish-language press are carefully following the Trump Administration’s mixed signals about the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival) Amnesty. And their commentary gives the lie to the suggestion DACA recipients are “new Americans.” The Mexican government clearly considers them Mexican citizens within our own country. And it’s willing to take them back.

Mexico will receive with open arms the DREAMers that return to our country”! Who knew?

The same day the Trump Administration announced the end of DACA, SRE [Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores], the Mexican foreign ministry, published a communique denouncing the action. [ El gobierno de México lamenta profundamente la cancelación del Programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), “The government of Mexico profoundly laments the cancellation of the DACA Program”], Comunicado 338, September 5, 2017]. It featured a photo of four Mexican officials, all white, doing their best to look grave.

SRE noted it had “promoted the continuation of DACA, with the goal of maintaining the protection of the young beneficiaries of the program, the majority of them born in Mexico.”

But note that one pro-DACA arguments is that “DREAMers” are essentially Americans because they were brought here so young. Yet here is the Mexican government expressing its continuing concern for them. Which is not surprising, given how actively the Mexican government courts the loyalty of “DREAMers” and organizes them as a political weapon.

The SRE statement does kindly acknowledge that American immigration policy is to be determined “exclusively by the Americans and their institutions— but this is typically what Mexican officials say right before they meddle.

After all, says SRE, “…our country [Mexico] cannot ignore the fact that there are thousands of young people born in Mexico who will potentially be affected by the decision announced today.”

Therefore, it says, the Mexican government “has a moral imperative to act… to actively promote… a speedy solution to the judicial uncertainty the DACA youth confront from today onward.” The Mexican government is therefore lobbying American elected officials about the “value of the DACA youth for American society” and will “will provide comprehensive and individualized consular and legal assistance to every Mexican DREAMer who requests it….”

But note that this Mexican government statement says it will “receive with open arms the DREAMers who return to our country.”

At the behest of President Enrique Pena Nieto himself
the dependencies of the [Mexican] federal government are strengthening their actions with the object of offering a greater support, of taking advantage of their talents and capacities, and integrating them fully in the national society and economy.

Besides the programs already included under the Somos Mexicanos program, the Mexican government plans to provide the following services for DREAMers:

  1. A labor exchange.

  2. A credit program

  3. Scholarships

  4. Educational Access

  5. Membership in Seguro Popular, a health program.

Great! Let’s give Mexico the opportunity to help the DREAMers by sending them back there! Read more >>
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