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Joel Peterson  has an impressive catalogue of more than 40 documentary and drama productions to his credit.

Filmmaker's career covered West Papua to Windsor Castle

There weren't many places Joel Peterson hadn't been – at least that's the way it seemed. His work as a cinematographer took him from cities such as New York and London – to visit the Queen no less – to far-flung villages where few outsiders venture.

Lady Mary Fairfax

Lady Mary Fairfax at Darling Point, 1996.

Lady Fairfax: Her motto, she said, was "touch every life with good".

Cult actor from Paris, Texas was loved around Hollywood

Harry Dean Stanton appeared in more than 200 movies and TV shows.

Harry Dean Stanton, the shambling, craggy-faced character actor with the deadpan voice who became a cult favourite through his memorable turns in Repo Man, Big Love and many other films and TV shows, died September 15 at a hospital in Los Angeles. He was 91.

In Passing

In Passing

Frank Vincent, Maurice Bluestein, Louise Hay

Popular presenter preserved by protests

A dignified exit: Clive Stark presents his last ABC show.

When ABC management decided to retrench presenter Clive Stark in 1993, they weren't prepared for the deluge of protests from his loyal listeners.

Doctor paved new ground for women

Margaret Henderson, doctor and author.

When Margaret Henderson won a place at university in the 1930s, her father decided medicine was the most likely profession to offer her parity with men.

Long life of hard work inspired sculpture

Ben Kelly.

Ben Kelly, an Irish-born migrant who spent many years of hard work in quarries, was not the usual type of person to inspire a monumental piece of public sculpture.

Visionary hotelier changed the industry

The master of any occasion: Ralph Sierakowski

Hotelier Ralph Sierakowski realised that the days of the "six o'clock swill" had to end, and his vision helped to usher in a new era of professionalism in the industry of providing food and drink.

In Passing

Sonny Burgess, Professor Dame Margaret Turner-Warwick, Jack Perry

Amateur spy who charmed Germans to divulge details of V1 development

Jeannie de Clarens with her husband, Henri. They both survived stays in concentration camps.

Jeannie de Clarens, an amateur spy who passed a wealth of information to the British about the development of the V1 and V2 rockets during World War ll and survived stays in three concentration camps for her activities, has died in Montaigu, southeast of Nantes, France, aged 98.

Farmer found joy in a shepherd's life

Phil Roche, shepherd.

When a young Phil Roche watched sheep being dipped in the Yorkshire Dales, he little knew that he would find happiness many years later looking after sheep on the other side of the world.

Determined clerk championed the work of para-legals

Charles Dickeson, champion of the para-legal professions

Through hard work and perseverance, Charles Dickeson rose from junior office boy in a solicitor's office to make a substantial contribution to improving the education and raising the status of those carrying out complex legal work who did not have the formal academic qualifications.