
Archives: journalism

Arabs, Thomas Friedman and the “iron fist”

Arabs, Thomas Friedman and the “iron fist”

By Brian Whitaker | ( Writing about conflicts in the Middle East for the New York Times yesterday, columnist Thomas Friedman talked of "the power that is lost to a society…
Russia: Assault on Freedom of Expression

Russia: Assault on Freedom of Expression

Human Rights Watch | - - Repressive Laws and Policies Restrict Online Speech, Stifle Critical Voices (Moscow) – Russia has introduced significant restrictions to online speech and invasive surveillance of online activity…
Roger Ailes: The Man Who Destroyed the News

Roger Ailes: The Man Who Destroyed the News

By Neal Gabler | ( | - - The founder of the right-wing network inflicted harm on the body politic that may be impossible to heal. Fox News creator and former…

Was/Is there an Islamic Enlightenment? (de Bellaigue)

William Eichler interviews Christopher de Bellaigue | Informed Comment | - - Eichler: 1. In the conclusion to The Islamic Enlightenment you describe modern jihadists as “miracle-grow Muslims” who have been “incubated…